The Bible helps believers to be _______ from the world.
How many times does Jesus get tempted by the devil?
three times
What does chapter 11 talk about concerning John the Baptist?
Fading ministry
intertestamental period
refers to the era between the old and new covenants which spans roughly around 400 years
Which Bible verse tells us that God’s timing is perfect and his ways are higher than our ways?
Isaiah 55:8-9
What does the sabbath allow believers to do?
How long did Jesus fast, before He was tempted?
40 days and 40 nights
John the Baptist was the ______ prophet that God had sent in hundreds of years
God is...
During what period was the Bible silent?
The inertestamental period
Quote from chapter 10, Living God's Word
“Led by these rabbis, the worship began to focus on the Torah and Sabbath observance”
What is a great way to combat temptation?
Memorize scripture
What does the John the Baptist do as Jesus takes center stage?
He fades into the background
our God is never inactive, even when it seems like He is not speaking
What can we learn about God's silence?
God had called his people in this very specific moment in time to trust and wait on his promise. We can apply this to our own lives today
When God is silent, He is not working
In what passage does Jesus get tempted?
Matthew 4:1-11
Why should we be careful with celebrity Christians?
Because they can easily become our idols
What should we do in the waiting?
we must maintain faithful to his word and find ourselves continuing to seek him
Which verse tells us that we can trust in God's timing?
Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
What is the Torah?
The first 5 books of the Bible
What is one thing we can think about that can help us to resist temptation?
Thinking about what the consequences are and using scripture to back that up.
In what books of the Bible is John the Baptist talked about?
Mark, Matthew, Luke and briefly implied in John
What does the Bible tell us in Deuteronomy 31:8?
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”. If we are deeply rooted in God’s word, during an intertestamental period we will stay still and know that God is with us no matter how the situation looks.
What is something that many Christians fail to realize?
many Christians go through an intertestamental period in their lives and many also do not realize that in the bible there were 400 years of silence. We must learn that God’s silence does not equate to his inactivity