New Testament and its Impact
New Testament Canon/Postmodernism
The Gospels
Jesus's Ministry
The Modern Study of the Gospels
4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), 21 epistles/letters, 1 book of prophecy (Revelation)
What are the books of the Bible?
people who directly experienced Jesus and the beginnings of the Church
Who were the authors of the New Testament?
God's offer of salvation; the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; the call to faith in light of the coming judgement
What is the message of the Gospels?
this event is presented in all 4 Gospels
What is Jesus's birth?
literary criticism that maintains that it is necessary to understand the deep structure of the Bible
What is structuralism?
scriptures that God gave over the course of many years
What is the Old Testament?
an authorized collection of writings that came together over a span of 3 centuries
What is New Testament canon?
this Gospel's authorship is often questioned
What is the Gospel of Matthew?
Jesus was tied to this person through his ministry; this person announced Jesus's coming
Who is John the Baptist?
dictates that anything supernatural should be ruled out or reinterpreted
What is skepticism?
it mediates God's presence, is of ultimate personal significance, and is the foundation of cultural literacy
Why study the New Testament?
given to the Church for teaching, reprove, correction, and training in righteousness
Why were we given New Testament Canon?
this Gospel was most likely written in Rome
What is the Gospel of Mark?
a) the Church has misread the Bible b) Jesus was not the divine Son of God c) the Bible should be ridiculed because it is offensive to the modern mind d) the only legitimate way to interpret the Bible is through the historical-critical method
What were Enlightenment philosopher's arguments against the Bible?
Old Phase, New Quest, and Third Quest
What are the three stages of the Quest for Historical Jesus?
the Holy Spirit worked together with the hearts and minds of the followers of Jesus to produce its writings
How was the New Testament written?
mid- to late-1900s movement away from the tradition of the early Church that leans more towards reasoning and critical thinking
What is postmodernism?
this Gospel emphasizes the comprehensive nature of God's dealings with the world
What is the Gospel of Luke?
a) verbatim/literalist believers b) people who go the Bible for moral dilemmas c) people who go the Bible for theological study d) people who use the Bible as a context for understanding the history and evolution of Christianity
What are the 4 groups of people who believe in scripture?
isolates and breaks down significant portions of the Gospels
What is form criticism?
announces the arrival of the savior that the Old Testament awaits; fulfills the promises of the Old Testament
What is the purpose of the New Testament?
because we protect evidence supporting it
Why is the New Testament secure?
this Gospel portrays Jesus's ministry as 3 years as opposed to 1 like in the other Gospels
What is the Gospel of John?
with parables, illustrations, quotes, contemporary proverbs, and the Old Testament
How did Jesus communicate his message?
narrative criticism, reader-response theory, rhetorical criticism, and deconstructionalism
What are the 4 newest methods of modern Bible study?