About CPW
Recognition and Training
Let's Get Outside

True or False. CPW is funded through general tax dollars.

False!  Primary funding for CPW is through the purchase of fishing and hunting licenses, park passes, camping fees, merchandise sales and the Colorado Lottery and Great Outdoors Colorado.  


A favorite perk that volunteers enjoy is the Colorado State Parks Pass.  How many volunteer hours must be logged in a 12 month period to earn this pass?

48 hours!


Your CPW supervisor will consider this to determine what uniform items will be issued/needed for each project.

The volunteer's role.  Will it be ongoing, will the volunteer be in a public facing role, or will otherwise need to be distinguished as a volunteer. 


CPW has many projects that get volunteers outside, can you name 3?

Birding Trail, Aquatics (spawning), fishing clinics, festivals, bear aware, wildlife monitoring, sheep and goat counts, habitat restoration, weed warriors, archery instructors, just to name a few! 


The CPW Mission Statement has 3 primary goals, can you name them?

1. Perpetuate wildlife resources  2. Provide a quality state parks system  3. Educate and inspire future generations to serve as stewards


CPW annually recognizes volunteers for their service contributions.  There are 3 hourly thresholds that determine the recognition level, can you name them?

10+, 100+ and 500+ hours.


When it comes to personal comfort and safety, a volunteer should do this before an outdoor assignment.  (Hint: Leave No Trace Rule #1)

Be prepared!  Check the weather and dress appropriately.


CPW has four regions, can you name them? For extra credit can you also name the Volunteer Coordinator for each region and Statewide!

Northeast: Lori Morgan; Northwest: Trina Romero, Southeast: Jeanette Lara, Southwest: Cathy Brons, Statewide: Becky Mares


Name the 3 situations where a background check will be run on a volunteer.

When working with children, money, or operating a CPW vehicle.


Attending an Orientation is a great step in understanding CPW and what it has to offer.  Can you name one example of further enrichment opportunities?

Additional training for various roles, skills workshops, wildlife identification courses, networking.


Whenever you are wearing the volunteer uniform what is the most important thing to remember.

Maintain a professional image while representing CPW.


Completely natural habitat, hunting and angling allowed, limited to no camping and facilities, and clean up days.  These are characteristics of what non-park properties?

State Wildlife Areas.


True or False.  Volunteer service is at the discretion of CPW.

True.  While CPW welcomes all, there are situations where volunteers may be dismissed.  These include, but are not limited to: not following CPW policies; harassment of others; acting in an unsafe or unprofessional manner, being under the influence while in uniform.


There are some projects that require completion of additional training before you can participate.  Can you name one?

Colorado Birding Trail Project!!  Also, Wildlife Transport Team, Mt. Evan Interp Team, Waterton Canyon Interp Team, Bear Aware Team, Angler Educators, just to name a few! 


True or False.  I finished my volunteer project and I'm going to meet some friends on my way home at the neighborhood bar. It's o.k., I'm only going to have 1 beer.

False.  Even though you are on your own time, if you are still wearing the uniform you represent CPW. Partaking of alcohol, or any other controlled substance is prohibited while in uniform.


This program connects bird/wildlife viewing sites via a driving route in each region.  What is the name of the program?

The Colorado Birding Trail!


You must notify your staff supervisor within 24 hours should this occur.

An accident.  CPW provides a supplemental insurance for injuries sustained while performing volunteer service. 


The true benefit of volunteering runs deeper than gifts of appreciation.  Name one benefit that does not have a monetary value.

Help wildlife, give back, care for the land and wildlife, share with others, inspire future generations to be stewards, personal fulfillment, get to Live Life Outside


The media approaches you while you are wearing the volunteer uniform and asks you a question on a controversial subject.  Your reply should include.

Politely direct them to a CPW staff employee, or to the CPW website.  You may provide basic information, such as event/program details, etc.  In the event of an emergency, never release incident details or names.


There are festivals/events in Colorado that highlight bird migration along the central flyway.  Can you name some of the festivals sponsored by CPW?

Monte Vista Crane Festival, Snow Goose Festival (Lamar), Eagle Days (Barr Lake), Fall Crane Festival (Grand Junction),