During Christmas Eve, who took the most pictures?
Tipsy Robert ;)
What is the most popular New Year's resolution?
To lose weight (it never works...)
With which country does Georgia have the longest border?
Most streamed song in 2020 on Spotify?
The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights”
How many Fast and Furious movies are released until now (2020)?
Out of the chacha club, whose apartment in Tbilisi is located most southward?
The German household
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau more ..... get stolen on New Year's Eve than any other time of year. Fill in the blank
Wine or chacha?
Doesn't matter, just drink :)
Famous blind American blues, jazz, soul singer-songwriter
Ray Charles (Brother Ray)
Who played Kevin in Home Alone?
Macaulay Culkin
The Quizmaster! If you say Jonas, you drink ;)
In Scottish traditions, who do you kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve?
Everyone in the room (don't worry, we will not do Scottish traditions)
What is the second most popular flag in Georgia?
EU flag, it's only my opinion :)
What is the band name of the song "Georgian Lesson"?
Who was the director of "Interstellar"?
Christopher Nolan
Who is most likely to remember everything that happened during New Year's Eve?
Artūrs, as he will be sober and happy
In one country people wear red underwear to bring themselves good luck all year. Name that country. HINT! The country is in Europe
What is the highest point in Georgia called?
Shkhara in Svaneti
Who is the best singer in the chacha club?
Everyone is amazing! Let's drink to that!
We all know about Hollywood and Bollywood but where is Lollywood from?
What word could you form from our first name's first letters. Remember! You don't need to use all 8 letters and the word has to do something with FIRE. Good luck!
The song "Auld Lang Syne" is most associated with New Year's Eve but what do the words "Auld Lang Syne" mean? Also, do you know what language is it?
1 Georgian flag - 4 crosses = x
Flag of England
What is the best place to sing a song unprofessionally?
In the shower
Who looks like Brad Pitt from our group the most ?
Let's be honest, nobody is that good looking. Drink in sadness...