School Rules
Classroom Procedures #1
Classroom Procedures #2
School Procedures
Classroom Procedures #2

What time is the late bell in the morning? (what time do you need to be in the classroom by)



What should I do every morning when Mrs. Levane let's me into the classroom?

Make eye contact with Mrs. Levane, say good morning, choose a greeting (hug, hi-five, wave, etc.)


How do you ask to go to the bathroom?

sign language 'r'


True or False: When we go out to recess, we are allowed to also play with the PE equipment.

FALSE, we do not play with any PE equipment at recess.


Where do you put your media center books when you are done reading them?

In the black crate for media center returns


True or false: It is okay to jump off the stairs if there are only one or two stairs left when walking down them.

FALSE. We hold the stair rails and walk down the stairs one step at a time.


What are the rules for the library cushions?

One per person, only used in the library


True or false: When I need a sharpened pencil, I can go to the back counter and sharpen my pencil.

FALSE. Please put your dull pencil in the dull bucket and take a sharp pencil and head back to your seat


When Mrs. Levane picks you up from specials or lunch, does it matter where you are standing in line?

Yes, we should be in number order.


What is the most important item to pack for school in your backpack every day?

White binder/Planner


True or False: The rules in our classroom also apply in other classrooms and at specials

TRUE. We are expected to follow school and classroom rules no matter where we are in the school.


What are the rules for the floor table cushions?

One per person, only at the floor table, no kicking or standing on them


True or False: I only have to write down homework in my planner on Mondays

FALSE. Usually we write spelling words only on Mondays but we should be writing down our homework every day


What do we do when an adult enters the room? (Mr. Harris, Mr. Vetter, or other adults)

We keep working like normal!


When you come in in the morning, after you hang up your backpack and unpack your things what should you do?

Have a seat, read the board, copy homework


When we are walking down the halls and see student work hanging on the wall what should we do?

Keep our hands to ourselves, look with our eyes, lean away from the wall


In what ways can we respect our classroom library?

keeping it clean, taking good care of Mrs. Levane's books, not writing in them or bending pages, putting books back where they belong, keeping books out of our desks


When someone in the classroom is sharing, how do we show them we are listening?

Eye contact, not talking, being respectful. 


What are the 4 steps we use to check our line before going out into the hallway?

Eye check, shoe check, arm check, voice check


Who is responsible for writing down your homework AND tearing it out/putting it away?

You are! We are halfway through the year and you are amazing and independent kids who can handle responsibilities :-)


What do we do the last 5 minutes of the day? What should it look like and sound like?

Packing up and cleaning up. Everyone helps clean. Once the room is clean and everyone is packed, we wait in our seats to be dismissed. No one should be standing around or playing at this time


How many pencils should you have in your desk?

How many dry-erase markers?

3 pencils, 1 or 2 dry erase marker


What does Mrs. Levane expect of you while she is teaching a lesson?

sitting tall at our seats, asking questions, engaging in the lesson, showing respect: eye contact, not talking to our neighbors, facing the teacher


What do each of our 4 line check steps mean in the hallway? Why do we do each of them?

eye- facing forward in the hallway

shoes - facing forward, putting space between me and the person in front of me

arm - arms to our sides, we do not touch others or the walls in the hallway

voice - classes around us are learning, there is absolutely no talking in the hallway


What does 3 before me mean?

When we are in centers and you need help:

1. Read the directions

2. Scan the room, see what others are working on

3. Ask a responsible student for help