Who is the principal?
Who is Ms. West?
What time does school start?
What is 8:20am?
What are the 3 steps of the consequence ladder?
What are warning, buddy room, and call home/referral?
Where should your phone be during the school day?
What is in your backpack and turned off/on silent?
What kind of resources are available in the library?
What are books (encylopedias, almanacs, maps, etc.)?
Who is the vice principal?
Who is Mrs. Breakfield?
What time does school end on a regular day?
What is 2:45pm?
What is a warning?
What is a way to tell a student that their behavior is not acceptable?
What is expected during instruction time?
What is students are paying attention, following along, participating, etc.?
What is Clever?
Who teaches 6th grade English and History?
Who is Ms. Horton?
When is our "minimum day"?
What is Wednesday?
What does "GBT" stand for?
What is Give Back Time?
When should you raise your hand?
What is any time you need to get out of your seat?
Where can you find Ms. Zendy or Mrs. Luz
What is the office?
Name 1 teacher from 3rd grade.
Who is Ms. Hynes, Ms. Fell, or Ms. Hope?
How many minutes is Middle School lunch?
What is 40 minutes?
What does ASD stand for?
What is After School Detention?
What should you bring to the teacher if you are late?
What is a tardy slip (and Starbucks)?
Who are the school counselors?
Who are Ms. Rohme and Mr. Matt?
Name 1 teacher from 7th grade.
Who is Mx. Perry or Mr. De Iongh?
When is the last day of school?
What is June 11th, 2025?
What kinds of behaviors are inappropriate in school?
What are cursing, fighting, name-calling, etc.?
What is the rule about food in the classroom?
What is clean up after yourself?
Where can you find out what is for lunch?
What is the cafeteria?