Classroom Expectations
School Expectations
Classroom Routines
Board Expectations

When someone is speaking, what should you be doing?

Active listening, paying attention, not interrupting.


True or False: We can't go to the bathroom the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class.



Where do we turn in our work?

The turn-in bins in the front of class, to the CORRECT class period.


How many people should be writing on the board?

Only one person at a time.


What should you do if you don't understand something during class?

Ask your group for help, if you're all stuck, raise your hand.


True or false: We should arrive to class on time.



Your pencil broke during class, what should you do?

Get a pencil from the sharp bin during whole class instruction. You may only go sharpen your pencil if it is individual work time.


Where should you be when you are working at boards?

At the assigned board, not walking around.


Where should your phone be during class?

It should be in your backpack unless explicitly told you can take it out. 


True or False: We can be loud and run in the hallways

False. We need to move safely and quickly to our next class.


If I missed a day of school, how can I complete my weekly warm-ups?

Grab a blank warm-up sheet from the hanging basket, and write absent on the day(s) you weren't in school, fill in for the rest of the days you are present and turn in on Thursday or Friday.


When I walk around, what should I hear from your groups?

Positivity, helping each other, collaborating, supporting your group.


How can you begin class successfully?

Enter quietly, go to your seat, take out materials, fill in your planner, and begin your warm-up.

True or false: We are uniformed school.

True, we must wear uniform attire everyday unless it is a sprit day. 


When and how can you get extra help?

Any day during 1st lunch, just let Ms. Morga know ahead of time! If 1st lunch doesn't work, Advisory on a block day works as well.


What happens if the group expectations are not followed?

You will lose points and may be asked to leave your group and work alone.