What should you do if you need a pencil?
Grab one from the bucket or ask a friend to borrow one.
What should your voice level be in the hallway?
ZERO (No talking at all)
What level should your voice be at in the lunchroom?
1 or 2, you should ONLY be able to talk to those next to you and across from you.
What should you do if someone gets hurt or there is a problem at recess?
Tell the teacher on duty! Do NOT wait till you come inside to tell me.
What should it look/sound like when you enter the classroom in the morning?
Quietly greeting a friend/Mrs. Reelfs with a level one voice and getting start on your morning work.
When you finish an assignment where should it go?
In the TURN IN bin!
Where should your hands be when walking in the hallway?
Kept to yourself (No touching walls or others)
Which way should your body be facing when eating lunch?
Facing the table with legs underneath.
How should you enter and exit another teachers room?
Quietly & wait if other people are leaving the room before you enter.
What are the 4 things you should do every morning when you come into the classroom?
1) Check in for lunch
2) Sharpen your pencil
3) Grab a chair pocket
4) Fill out agenda
When you have a question what should you do?
Raise your hand QUIETLY!
Which way should you be facing when walking in the hallway?
What should you do if you make a mess in the lunchroom?
Clean it up! Ask a teacher if needed!
How should you respond if a teacher has a different rule than me?
Listen and obey the rule because that is their classroom.
When transitioning from one activity to another what should it look and sound like?
Quickly and quietly following directions right away
If you need to use the restroom what should you do?
Move the bathroom bucket to your desk! You do not need to ask Mrs. Reelfs.
When we are walking down the hallway and we see a friend, sibling, or another teacher we really like, what should we do?
Silent wave & smile
If you need help opening something or need to use the restroom during lunch, what should you do?
Raise your hand and wait to ask a teacher!
When the whistle is blown at recess what should you do?
Pick up any items you were playing with
Hustle to the black top
Line up quickly and quietly
When Mrs. Reelfs counts down from 5 what should the you look like and sound like when she gets to 0?
Voices off
Everything out of your hands
Eyes on Mrs. Reelfs
How should we line up in the classroom?
(HINT: What is a 4S line?)
Quickly & Quietly
Straight Still Silent (Smiling)If a classmate tries to talk to you in the hallway what should you do?
Give them the silent signal
If a teacher begins talking into the microphone during lunch, what should you do?
Turn your voices off and listen to instructions!
If you see someone at recess who is lonely what should you do?
Ask them if they want to play!
What happens when you do not follow our classroom rules and expectations?
Second time "Think Sheet" & ticket taken
Third time parent email
Fourth time office referral