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Facts about Gemma

The name of the violent green cartoon owl who serves as the mascot for Duolingo.

Who is Duo?


"You are my ____ eyed girl"

What is "brown"?


In this movie, Will Ferrell actually went and interacted with all the citizens of NYC while walking down the streets, while the citizens had no idea that this was for a movie.

What is Elf?


This was said by a famous scientist.

"Only two things are infinite- the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former."

Who was Albert Einstein?


This is the song that Gemma has an iconic dance for.

What is "Dominic the Donkey"?


Only 2% of the world population has this eye colour.

What is green?


"'Cause I knew you were ______ when you walked in"

What is "trouble"?


This type of movie consists of one letter and one number, and the first of its kind was made in 1922.

What is a 3D movie?


This was written by a famous playwriter.

"You should be women and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so."

Who is William Shakespeare?


This is 13 year old Gemma's favourite nickname for Millie.

Who is the Shoe-Moo?


This fascinating dinosaur had a crest that arched over the back of it's head, but scientists are not quite sure of it's purpose.

What is a Parasaurolophus?


"I'm just ____"

What is "Ken"?


This movie that seems to have pink as it's theme is the highest grossing movie ever directed by a woman.

What is Barbie?


These words were written by a famous female authour.

“You are the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.”

Who is Jane Austen?


This man became 13 year old Gemma's slight obsession near the end of 2023.

Who is Joe Biden?


Samuel Clemons was the real name of this authour who wrote a book about a young boy in the late 1800s.

Who was Mark Twain?


"But it's just a sweet sweet ______, baby"

What is "fantasy"?


This movie that was made in the 1990s about a boy and two robbers now has a stunt named after it.

What is Home Alone?


This is a quote from a famous movie that was about knights.

“I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction.

What is Monty Python and the Holy Grail?


Gemma once said, 

"I rather like living, I'm quite _______ to it."

There is a missing word.

What is "attached"?


This country has more pyramids than any other country in the world.

What is Sudan?


"We're spending most of our lives living in an ______ paradise"

What is "Amish"?


The appearance of this dashing character from Tangled was decided by a group of women who told the character designers what they thought the most attractive physical attributes were.

Who is Flynn Rider? (Also known as Eugene)


This is from a movie that has Andre the Giant in the cast.

"I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon."

What is The Princess Bride?


You think you know Gemma? This is the ultimate challenge. You have to tell her a joke that will make her laugh, and if you do, you get 500 points.

Did you make me laugh?