7 candles represent the 7 principles and are placed in a candle holder.
What is a kinara?
Rice and blackeyed peas are traditionally eaten on what day for good luck?
What is New Years day?
This holiday celebrates the birth of Christ.
What is Christmas?
The hard red winter type of this grain is planted in Autumn & in late spring.
What is wheat?
Who was Known as the Nation of Islam’s most effective minister until he broke from the group in 1964 and fromed his own group, the organization of Afro-American Unity?
Who is Malcom X?
A holiday based on the first-fruits harvests.
What is Kwanzaa
This dish is prepared with cheddar cheese, milk, butter, and elbow maccroni noodles.
What is Mac & Cheese?
Peter Cotton Tail is sung on this day.
What is Easter?
Which famous athlete said “Hating is people because of their color is wrong. It doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.”?
Who is Mohammad Ali
Who was the first African American to serve as the United States Secretary of State?
Who is Colin Powell?
On the last day of Kwanzaa these are presented to children.
What is a Zawadii?
This smelly dish is a traditional part of New years day dinner for African Americans.
What are Chittlings?
You might leave this out for Santa.
What is milk and cookies?
This helps fires to start quickly in a fireplace.
What is kindling?
Who was the first AA to have his likeness protrayed on a U.S. postage stamp?
Who is Booker T. Washington?
An African American, Pan American holiday celebrated in America as a cultural not religious holiday.
Who is Dr. Maulana Kerenga
Vegans eat this for breakfast, lunch, and or dinner
What is a green salad?
This brought Frosty the Snowman to life.
What is an old silk hat?
This is a form of percipitations and is white.
What is snow?
Who said “The time is always right to do what is right"?
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr?
Seven principles that represents the values of family, community, and culture for Africans and people of Afrifcan decent are known as.
What are the Nguzo Saba?
.This vegetable gives you more calcium than milk or any dairty product
What is Dandelinon leaves?
What U.S. state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday?
What is Alabama?
This fun game requires making snowballs.
What is a snowball fight?
Which fourteen year old black boy was lynched for whistling at a white woman?
Who is Emmett Till?