What was Mulan's last name
I am odd number. When you take away one letter I become even. What number am I?
Arc reactor (reactor)
Muni Long said the smell of your perfume, she thought she was what?
What animal was featured on the Coca Cola can?
Polar bear
What is the perimeter of a rectangle?
P= 2 (L+W)
What is Captain America real name?
Steve Rogers
In the Lil Baby song Close Friends, who did she turn into?
a girlfriend
Who were the first people in America?
Native Americans
In the movie Cinderella what was her two step sisters names?
Anastasia and Drizella
What is the perimeter of a triangle
P= a+b+c
What Marvel character is known as the God of Mischief
Finish this line with the full ending "bells on bobtails ring making spirits bright......."
..what fun it is to ride and sing in a sleighing song tonight
What did grandma call her grandkids?
MY 9
Who was Pocahontas love interest
John Smith
Whats the square root of 144
What is the name of Peter's ship from Guardian of Galaxy?
Star Lord Ship
What did 21 Savage say she should've wore?
A bonnet
Which one of the sister were married before?
What angle is greater isosceles, obtuse, right?
What is the character Vision's real name?
Latto said when a real one hold you down, what do you do next?
You supposed to drown
What kind of band never plays music
A rubberband