State Capital
State Capitol
St. Paul
State Capitol
Dennis's Nick Name
What was Buck
how many square miles does the Kenai Peninsula Encompass
25,600 square miles
What was the 2023 population of Nebraska
1.978 million
What was the 3rd largest cities population in 2023
Rochester 122,413
The 2nd largest City in Wisconsin
What part major part broke on his truck when Dave Gardner took his family on a winter trip down the AlCan
Lug nuts
What is the highest point in the Kenai Peninsula Borough
Mt Spur 11,100 feet
Nebraska's State Animal
Whitetail Deer
What was the Father Louis bridge in Minnesota famous for
It was the first Bridge to cross the Mississippi
Wisconsin's 1st Capital
Belmont Wisconsin
How Many Sams are in the Evanoff Family
Grandpa,Dad, Him, Son
As it relates to Sammy
Kenai means what in Dena'ina
Flat,open, meadow, few trees
what is Nebraska's state Bird
Western Meadow Lark
Minnesota's State Fruit
Honey Crisp Apple
Wisconsin's State Animal
The Badger
The person who found the Elephant
Stuart's Sister Mary
Les Anderson's record fish was how heavy
97 lb. 4 oz.
Nebraska's name means what in Native American
Flat water
Minnesota comes from Dakota Indians meaning what
Sky-Blue Waters
The name Wisconsin comes from what Native American tribe
Miami Indians
Kenny's last name means what in french
to flow
Who was the first European to discover and chart the Kenai Peninsula
Gerasim Izmailov