How many provinces are there in Canada
Cuantas provincias hay en Canada
10 provinces and 3 territories
In this movie, an evil clown swears you´all float down there...
En esta pelicula, un payaso maldito te asegura que todos flotan ahi abajo.
This band is known for their hit "Hotel California"
Esta banda se conoce por su exito "Hotel California"
The song "Bad Guy" was originally performed by :
La cancion "Bad Guy" fue interpretada originalmente por:
Billie Eilish
She was the 80´s Material Girl
En los 80 fue considerada la Chica Material
Bart, Lisa and Maggie are the children of this peculiar family...
Bart, Lisa y Maggie son los hijos de esta peculiar familia...
The Simpsons
In this Movie, the killer wears a hockey mask
In esta pelicula, el asesino usa a una masca de Hockey
Friday the 13th / Viernes 13
Lead Singer of "Queen"
Cantante principal de "Queen"
Freddy Mercury
This popular pop band consists of 3 brothers
Esta popular banda de pop esta integrada por 3 hermanos
Jonas Brothers
This song makes you feel like you are Young, and sweet and only seventeen
Esta cancion te hace sentir que eres joven, dulce y de tan solo 17
Dancing Queen
The Owner and Founder of Tesla is...
El fundador y dueño de Tesla es..
Elon Musk
This is the name of the Killer in Halloween movie
El nombre del asesino en las peliculas de Halloween es
Michael Myers
Sweet Child of Mine is a hit song of this band..
Sweet Child of Mine es un hit de esta banda
Guns n Roses
He is considered the King of Pop
Es considerado como el rey del Pop
Michael Jackson
This popular song release back in 1985 was made famous by its edgy comic book style video clip
Esta cancion de 1985 fue famosa por su video musical en formato de comic book
Take on Me
Name the 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Di el nombre de la 4 tortugas Nija
Raphael, Donnatello, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo
Name the movie where the villain haunts you in your dreams
Cual es el nombre de la pelicula donde el villano te atormenta en tus sueños
Nightmare on Elm Street -or- Freddy Kruger both valid
This AC/DC Song has the lyrics "season ticket on a one-way ride"
Esta cancion de AC/DC tiene en su letra " season ticket on a one-way ride"
This well known Canadian Pop singer was born in St. Joseph Hospital right here in London Ontario.
Este cantante canadiense de pop nacio en el hospital de St.Joseph aqui mismo en London Ontario
Justin Bieber
This artist sang Never gonna give you up and has now become a popular meme song
Este artista canto Never gonna give you up, y se ha convertido en un popular meme
This is the largest organ in the human body
Este es el organo mas grande del cuerpo humano
"Cual es tu pelicula de terror favorita" es la pregunta que te hace este asesino antes de matarte"
SCREAM or GHOSTFACE both valid
Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are 2 of the original members of this famous band
Gene Simmons y Paul Stanley son dos de los miembros originales de esta banda
This was the main song and duet between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in the movie A star is born
Esta fue la cancion principal y dueto entre Lady Gaga y Bradley Copper en la pelicula a Star is born
She suffered a total eclipse of the heart..
Sufrio un eclipse total del corazon..
Bonnie Tyler