what is the king of the lions in "the lion king" called
double jeopardy
what band made "we will rock you"
what is the largest mammal on earth
blue whale
where do we usually go in summer
how many hours are there in a day
what are the four children from Narnia called
lucy edmund susan and peter
fill in the blank
"shut up and ___ with me"
shut up and dance with me
name 3 birds
albatross eagle crow raven hawk woodpecker vulture or any other ones that you can think of
double jeopardy
what is the tallest building in france
Eiffel tower
fill in the blank
frosty the snowman was a ________.
frosty the snowman was a very jolly soul
fill in the blank
"Be our ___ "
"Be our guest"
what is the song the dwarves sing in snow white
"Heigh ho"
what is the most aggressive snake
black mamba
how many continents are there
double jeopardy
how many planets are there in our solar system
name 5 disney princess'
any of the following: Tiana, Cinderella, Belle, Mulan, Ariel, Snow white, Aurora,
what are three songs made by Jacob Fretz
a. alive alive
b. Emmanuel God with us
c. I want your heart
double jeopardy
true or false all snakes go forwards
false sidewinders go sideways
what is the heat line that goes around the center of the earth
the equator
how many Chronicles of Narnia books are there
double jeopardy
what is the villain from "babes in toyland" called
what is the band that made boom
what are the different animal types
fish mammals birds bugs reptiles amphibians
true or false the Eiffel tower is the tallest building on earth
do hummingbirds live here