what is the nickname for newyork?
what is The big apple
who gave newyork the statue of liberty?
what is france?
The single most horrific event to occur in NYC?
What is 9/11?
what is the location big flashy screens?
what is Time Square?
The name of the river that runs through NYC?
What is the Hudson river?
What are the People in the sewer called?
what are mole people?
the buildings that got destroyed in 2001?
what is twin towers (world trade center)
This museum has art from all over the world, as well as antique and ancient artifacts?
what is the MET museum?
what is the financial secsion of the city?
what is Wall Street?
This park has over 58 miles of walkways, and 632 different types of trees?
What is Central Park?
what is the song about new york with alicia keys and JAY-Z called?
what is empire state of mind?
what is a building that is named after a famous car Company, that also has six stainless steal arches?
what is the Chrysler building?
new york was named ------ by the dutch
What is New Amsterdam?
what is the names of the citys in newyork?
name 2
what is Brooklyn, Manhatten, Bronx, Queens and staten island
The name of the castle in Central Park?
What is Belvedere Castle?
how many homeless people are in newyork?
what is 350 thousand
when was the empire state building made?
what is 1930?
This railway that runs through Manhattan was converted into a park in 2011?
What is the High Line?
What is the street with the famous expensive stores that stretches from time sqaure to central park and beyond?
what is 5th Avenue
The name of this park, which is built above the New York Public Library's underground archives?
What is Bryant Park?
how many people live in newyork?
what is 8 million people
how many flors are there in flatrion building?
what is 22 stories?
The current mayor of NYC?
Who is Eric Adams?
This area of NYC is home to Washington Square, the MacDougal-Sullivan Gardens Historic District and New York University?
What is Greenwich Village?
Officially opening in 1892, this complex, now a park regulated immigration into the US?
What is Ellis Island?