General Information
Detail Identification
Understanding and Analysis
Application and Interpretation
Synthesis and Evaluation

How much money did Delia have left before Christmas?

One dollar and eighty-seven cents.


What did Delia buy when she went to the shops? 

The cheapest meat and the cheapest vegetables.


What can be inferred about Delia's financial situation?

Delia and her husband were very poor and struggled to make ends meet.


How might Delia’s feelings change if she had more money?

She might feel less distressed and more hopeful or relieved, especially about celebrating Christmas.


If you were to rewrite the story with a different ending where Delia receives an unexpected gift, how would that change the message of the story?

The message might shift from one of struggle and sacrifice to one of hope and unexpected joy, emphasizing the idea that even in difficult times, kindness and generosity can prevail.


Where did Delia live?

In New York.


What did Delia do when she was tired?

She walked round and round the shops to find the cheapest food.


How does the story show the couple's financial difficulties?

It shows their financial difficulties through the description of their poor living conditions and the limited amount of money they have.


What does Delia's reaction to having only one dollar and eighty-seven cents suggest about the importance of money in her life?

It suggests that money is extremely important to her for both basic needs and emotional well-being.


Evaluate how the setting (time and place) affects the plot of the story.

The setting in a poor neighborhood of New York during a financially difficult time adds to the sense of struggle and makes the couple's financial challenges and emotional responses more impactful.


Who was Delia's husband?

James Dillingham Young.


Why was James Dillingham Young considered lucky?

Because he had a job.


Why is Delia's repeated counting of the money significant?

It emphasizes her concern and desperation about not having enough money for Christmas.


How does Delia's situation contrast with the typical Christmas spirit of giving?

Delia's financial struggles prevent her from participating in the spirit of giving, highlighting a contrast with the typical Christmas celebration that often involves generosity and abundance.


How does Delia's financial situation contribute to the overall theme of the story?

It highlights themes of sacrifice, hardship, and the impact of financial constraints on personal happiness and relationships.


How many rooms did Delia's living space have?

Four rooms (a poor little room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom).


Why was it difficult for Delia to find work?

Because times were bad and there was no work available.


What does Delia's behavior at the shops reveal about her character?

It reveals that she is very frugal and determined to save every possible cent despite her financial struggles.


What might be the impact of Delia’s financial situation on her relationship with her husband? 

It could create stress or strain in their relationship due to financial pressure and the inability to enjoy or celebrate special occasions.


Create a character sketch of Delia based on her actions and emotions in the story.

Delia is a hardworking and frugal woman deeply affected by financial constraints. Her actions show determination to save every cent and a strong sense of responsibility for her household, but also vulnerability and emotional distress due to her limited resources.


Why did Delia cry?

Because she had very little money and Christmas was the next day.


How did Delia feel about the amount of money she had? Answer:

She was distressed and upset.


How does the author’s description of the rooms reflect the couple’s financial status?

The description of the rooms as "poor little rooms" reflects their financial struggle and lack of comfort.


How might Delia’s actions influence her future decisions about spending money?

She might become even more cautious and frugal with her spending in the future to avoid similar distress.


 Analyze how the story might differ if told from James Dillingham Young’s perspective.  

Told from James’s perspective, the story might focus on his struggles at work, his desire to provide for Delia, and his emotional response to her distress. It could offer insights into his own sacrifices and frustrations, possibly providing a more balanced view of their financial situation.