Test-Taking Strategies
Test Vocabulary
Literary Elements
Test Format
Multiple Choice Practice
The first step to writing the argumentative essay.
What is, answering the prompt?
Central Idea
the message of moral of a text
Define characterization
How an author depicts the personality of a character.
The number of sections on the NYS English Regents
What is 3?
The author most likely includes the description of London in lines 1 through 19 to (1) provide reasons for Richard’s dislike of the city (2) highlight opportunities for Richard’s career in the city (3) convey a sense of Richard’s frustration with the city (4) illustrate the nature of Richard’s life in the city
You should make one of these before writing your argumentative essay.
What is an outline?
the other side of the argument
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
a simile uses "like" or "as"
How many texts are in the multiple choice section?
The figurative language used in line 15 reinforces the (1) growth of the city (2) problems with development (3) increase in isolation (4) history of the towns
During the multiple choice section, it may be helpful to write this in the margins as you read.
what is the gist?
"Writing strategy"
a literary element, device, or technique
The following is an example of what literary element? …When the short days of winter came dusk fell before we had well eaten our dinners. When we met in the street the houses had grown sombre. The space of sky above us was the colour of ever-changing violet and towards it the lamps of the street lifted their feeble lanterns. The cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed. Our shouts echoed in the silent street.
What is imagery?
What are the 3 types of texts you'll see in the multiple choice section?
literary, poem, informational
In the context of the text as a whole, which statement regarding lines 41 through 43 is true? (1) Gary is jealous of Richard because he has a girlfriend. (2) Gary has a moody temperament and hides his feelings. (3) Richard has a plan and wishes to keep it a secret. (4) Richard is in a state of denial regarding his relationship
The strategy you can use when comparing two passages; you can use this strategy to make sure that you get the information from both passages you are meant to
What is highlighting/underlining one and circling the other, etc.
Figurative Language
is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation
The following is an example of what literary element: A discordant mind, black with confusion and despair, would finish me off as thoroughly as the cold. Discipline of this sort is not easy. Even in April’s and May’s serenity I had failed to master it entirely
What is internal conflict
How many texts will you need to use in the argument essay?
The narrator’s use of dialogue in lines 68 through 81 enhances a mood of (1) satisfaction (3) confidence (2) stress (4) remorse
You can bring one of these, but you cannot be give one of these.
what is a highlighter
What does the word "indicator" mean in this sentence: Lines 26 through 29 illustrate that language use is an indicator of
a device providing specific information on the state or condition of something, in particular.
Define tone.
the attitude of a piece of writing
How many points can you get between BOTH essays?
Which quote best reflects a central theme in the text? (1) “London grew into something huge and contradictory … and a price that all good places have to pay.” (lines 17 through 19) (2) “Richard checked another row of figures … and he set it up to print out again;” (lines 54 and 55) (3) “Richard looked at his watch. ‘Five minutes, Sylvia. It’s almost wrapped up. I just have to attach the P & L projection.’ ” (lines 59 and 60) (4) “He finished punching in the number, breathed a sigh of relief when somebody answered. ‘Ma Maison. Can I help you?’ ” (lines 89 and 90)