Test-Taking Strategies
Titles and Authors
Literary Elements
Test Format
Test-Taking Strategies--pt. 2
The first thing you look at on every task of the Regents exam
What is "The Situation"/purpose box?
The author of night
Who is Elie Wiesel?
The literary element used very heavily in NIGHT, with examples such as the darkness, the protagonist's gold tooth, knife and spoon..
What is symbolism?
The number of tasks on the NYS English Regents
What is four?
The number of times the listening passage will be read to you
What is two?
The primary note-taking strategy you should utilize during the listening section
What is listening both times, using the second time to fill in the blanks?
The author of "THe VEldt"
Who is Ray Bradbury?
A symbol of boundaries in August Wilson's play.
What is the fence?
The very first task you will do is the ___________ section
What is listening?
The strategy you use when you don't understand the meaning of a Critical Lens quote
What is breaking it down into smaller parts and / orparaphrase the quote?
Before writing the controlling idea paragraph, look at this to help you determine the controlling idea.
What is a Topic?
The author of FENCES
Who is August Wilson?
The most influential literary element of Fences
What is setting?
The 3 steps that you must complete for the Critical Lens section of the test.
What is 1. interpret the quote 2. apply the interpretation to two works of literature 3. discuss literary elements used in the stories 4. Agree/disagree with the quote?
The strategy you can use to get through the reading passages.
What is read the question stem first before reading the passages.
The strategy you can use when comparing two passages; you can use this strategy to make sure that you get the information from both passages you are meant to
What is highlighting/underlining one and circling the other, etc.
The author of "Harlem"
Who is Langston Hughes?
TWO literary elements heavily used in "THE VELDT" when the father's wallet is found in the veldt near bones and hungry lions. Explain how BOTH of the literary elements are used.
What are foreshadowing and conflict. Foreshadowing is the use of hints and clues to suggest what is to come in the future. The placement of the wallet in the veldt foreshadows the parent's death. This creates a CONFLICT because the children become the antagonists against their parents. THis is ironic because the nursery was created by the parents for their children and now it is a force used to destroy the parents.
The controlling idea of a passage can be compared to this
What is the roof of a house?
When you are writing the controlling idea paragraph, what can you USE if you are stuck for ideas?
What are the multiple choice questions?
The question you should write down for yourself before you begin reading the controlling idea passages; this question will help you write your controlling idea
Why is ____________ important?
The author of "Lamb to the Slaughter"
Who is Roald Dahl?
The name of the town in which the protagonist of NIGHT was born.
The first of the two paragraphs that you must write during part 3 section of the regents exam.
What is the CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph.
The number of novels/plays, short stories or poems you must use on the Critical Lens task AND the number of literary elements you must use in your essay
What is two?