Physical Assessment
Random Baby

With a loud noise, the newborn symmetrically abducts and extends his arms, his fingers fan out and form a ā€œCā€ with the thumb and forefinger, and he has a slight tremor.

What is the "Moro" Reflex?


the sensory system least mature at the time of birth

What is vision


Less than 40mg/dL

What is "low glucose level" for newborn 90 minutes after birth?


Breastfed babies have a lower incidence of jaundice. True or False



A newborn is cold after his bath.  Which type of heat loss has occurred?

What is evaporation


This reflex in newborns is triggered by a touch to the roof of the mouth

What is the suck reflex


Used to assess the gestational age of a newborn, this scoring system evaluates physical and neuromuscular characteristics.

What is the Ballard score


Hypoglycemic babies are often cold too!  With cold stress, the respiratory rate increases. With inadequate oxygen tension, vasodilation follows, leading to respiratory distress and possibly right-to-left cardiac shunting. Anaerobic glycolysis can lead to metabolic acidosis and hypoglycemia.

Which symptom listed here is not accurate?

What is Vasodilation.  It should read "vasoconstriction".


Appearance of jaundice during the first 24 hours or beyond day 7 indicates a ________ process.

What is pathologic


This specialized type of fat found in newborns plays a crucial role in thermoregulation by generating heat through non-shivering thermogenesis.

What is Brown Fat


What is the name of the reflex in which a newborn, when lying on their back, assumes a fencing position with the arm and leg on one side extended while the opposite side is flexed?

What is the Tonic Neck Reflex


Soft spots on a newborn's skull called, which allow for the skull to be flexible during birth and rapid brain growth during infancy?

What are Fontanelles


name two risk factors (for infants) for hypoglycemia

what is LGA, SGA, IUGR, IDM, any others??


swelling or edema of the soft tissues of the scalp in a newborn, usually related to a prolonged or vacuum assisted vaginal delivery.

what is a Caput Succedaneum


This method of skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and a caregiver is not only comforting but also aids in thermoregulation by utilizing the caregiver's body heat.

What is Kangaroo Care


When pressure is applied to a newborn's foot, causing their toes to curl around the object, which reflex is being elicited?

What is the plantar grasp reflex


This is used to assess for dysplasia of the hip in newborns, it involves gently moving the hips to detect any abnormal hip joint movement.

What is the Ortolani Maneuver 


Newborns who experience birth trauma, such as shoulder dystocia or prolonged labor, are at an elevated risk of hypoglycemia due to increased energy expenditure and depletion of what? 

What are glycogen stores


provides infants with passive immunity until their own immune systems mature. Also helps with bonding.

What is Breast Milk


An infant gets cold after you do is assessment.  You realize you never turned on the warming bed, and you set the infant on a cool mattress.  The most likely cause of the infant getting cold is due to:

What is Conduction


When the sole of a newborn's foot is stroked, this reflex causes their toes to either curl or fan out.  Which response is considered a positive Babinski reflex?

What is fan out


Normal range for infant heart rate, if the infant is alert and resting (not crying)



You are caring for a baby who is SGA.  The infant has an initial glucose of 42.  What is the best thing to do next?

What is "put the baby skin to skin and FEED the baby"


name a cause of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

smoking, high blood pressure, AMA, placental insufficiency

any others?


Newborns primarily rely on this mechanism to generate heat through involuntary muscle contractions without shivering, especially in response to cold temperatures. What is this process called?

What is Thermogenesis