Not Exactly Catholic Things
Sacred Music
The Deposit of Faith

Worship of statues.

What is the sin of idolatry?


Captured by Irish slave traders, ultimately became a priest and returned to the land as a missionary and bishop; defender of the Holy Trinity. Mostly remembered in our culture with green-coloured milkshakes, but don't worry, he's still praying for us.

Who is St. Patrick?


The style of Latin liturgical music begun by Pope St. Gregory the Great.

What is Gregorian Chant?


The belief that Mary was conceived without original sin.

What is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception?



What are Jesus, Mary, and Joseph's initials?


Anglican intellectual, but sometimes called the patron saint of Grove City College.

C. S. Lewis


The only apostle to accompany Christ to Calvary and first model of Marian devotion; patron saint of Grove City's parish.

Who is Saint John the Beloved Disciple?


The Hail Holy Queen in Latin.

What is the Salve Regina?


The amount of books in the Bible.

What is 73?


A popular devotion to our Lady of Mount Carmel where the devotee wears a miniature part of the Carmelite habit.

What is the Brown Scapular?


The three "reformers" of the Protestant Reformation.

Who are Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli?


This Pope caused (slight) problems in the Vatican because he kept sneaking out without telling anyone where he was going. He was a poet, skier, actor, marriage counselor, and playwright, penning The Jeweller's Shop amongst other works. Nickname rhymes with "We love you!"

Who is Pope St. John Paul II?


The favoured instrument of canon law that is meant to replicate the human voice.

What is the organ?


The word to describe how the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ at the Consecration; demons hate this word!

What is Transubstantiation?


The Luminous Mysteries

What is the Baptism of our Lord, Wedding Feast at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom, Transfiguration, and Institution of the Eucharist?


Rad Trads who hold that Pope Saint Pius X was the last valid Pope.

What is the SSPX?

Caveat: not a good Catholic thing


A 19th/20th-century Italian laywoman who had many intense mystical experiences; nicknamed the Flower of Lucca; devoted to the Passion and died at age 25; strong intercessor for spiritual warfare, and a currently rising Catholic baby name.

Who is St. Gemma Galgani?


Convert from Anglicanism who wrote "Lead Kindly Light."

Who is St. John Henry Newman?


Two exceptional ways for a person to receive the saving grace of Baptism.

What are: Baptism by Blood and Baptism by Desire? (CCC 1258)


Feast day on September 14th commemorating when St. Helena (mother of Constantine) found this relic of the Passion on pilgrimage in the Holy Land.

What is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross?


The year of the Great Schism resulting in the Greek Orthodox Church.

What is 1054?


7 martyrs sentenced to suffocation who instead slept in their cave of execution for centuries until woken up/uncovered by farmers, whereupon they gave testimony before the king then died for real.

Who are the Seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus?


Songs that made the USCCB's list of banned hymns (Multiple answers).

What are: "God is here! As we His people," "Now in This Banquet," "All Are Welcome," "The Play of the Godhead," "Led by the Spirit," "Sing a New Church," "As a Fire is Meant for Burning," "The Lord of the Dance," "Canticle of the Sun"?

Reference: :)


Recite the Nicene Creed.

Did you do it?


The Marian title commemorating when a fleet of angels carried the Blessed Virgin Mary's home from Nazareth to Italy in order to save it from Muslim invaders in 1291; patroness of aviators.

Who is Our Lady of Loretto?