The MOs 3rd Eye
How well do you now me from KPMG?
Newmont 101, class in session
Ads for Kars

The bolded word in the center of the slide describing the negative connotations associated with past MOs

What is Slow


I played the Team Canada Womens soccer team that won bronze at the Olympics when I was 14 years old

Who is Liam Doig


What is the go-to body text font in the majority of Newmont Templates

What is Open Sans


Colorado is one of 3 places that claim to be the home of this classic american food creation, served at almost every fast food chain in the world

What is the cheeseburger


The producers of the ADKAR model are 



The quote "In the short-run, the stock market is a voting machine. yet, in the long run, the stock market is a weighing machine" was said by these two individuals

Who are Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffet


I am the secret avid golfer on the KPMG team

Who is Jessica Louie


The Newmont team is led by an individual informally known as "Robbo"

What is Fire Risk Management


Colorado is home to these professional sports teams in the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and MLS

What are the Denver Broncos, the Denver Nuggets, the Colorado Rockies, the Colorado Avalanche, and the Colorado Rapids

The word that is a synonym for "want" is one of the words used in the ADKAR model

what is Desire


The number one success metric of the MO

What is "if our customers describe us in this way" referencing the positive words associated with the management office

My family currently has a 15 year old dog named Obelia

Who is Jack Lewis


Newmont was founded in this year (+/- 2 years)

When is 1921 (1919-1923 accepted)


These sandstone formations located in Colorado Springs got its name from surveyors in 1859 who said it was "fit for the gods to assemble"

What is the Garden of the Gods


I can sustain the new ways of working and help others make the change

what is "reinforcement"


In the workshop guidelines, the first guideline asked participants to be positive, open-minded, and ____ what is the missing guideline?

What is being time-sensitive


Prior to KPMG, I worked in Technology Sales

Who is Jack Bowie


Newmont reported ___ earnings per share in Q2 of 2024 (+/- 5 cents)

What is 72 cents per share (70-74 cents per share accepted)


Colorado has more than 50 of these massive naturally formed land masses throughout the state

What are the "fourteeners" or mountains greater than 14000 feet


The timeline you progress along during the ADKAR model

what is the change continuum


*Daily Double* These two things were holding up the "U" and the "S" on slide about the stockmarket 

What are Cranes

As one of my first jobs, I was a park ranger

Who is Jameel Ahamed


The company was called "Newmont" because of these 2 elements of the founders backstory

What is William Thomson grew up in MONTana and made his money in NEW York


Commonly used in solar cells, the compound abbreviated CdTe stands for "Cadmium ____", the blank is also the name of a town in Colorado

Where is Telluride


The founders name of the ADKAR model is this

Who is Jeff Hiatt