What year were vapes?
True or False: Cannabis has it's own substance use classification. It is a hallucinogen with downer effects, and increased heart rate (upper effect).
True or False: Alcohol effects vary from person to person.
Provide 3 examples of why youths try substances.
- fitting in/peer pressure.
- media.
- celebrations.
- managing anxiety.
- bored/curious.
Which substance use classification does vaping fall under?
Stimulants or "uppers."
What is the chemical in cannabis that makes people feel "high"?
THC Tetrahydrocannabinol
Having up to 5 or more drinks in one sitting is known as?
Binge Drinking.
Who can help if you or someone you know is struggling with substance use?
Teachers, counselors, principals, trusted adults, doctors, children's helpline, community organizations like Journey to Recovery
What is the highly addictive substance found in vapes that is also found in cigarettes?
True or False: Cannabis disrupts short-term memory.
Cold showers, fresh air and hot coffee will help a person to sober up.
False! Only time will remove alcohol from the system. It takes the body approximately 1 hour to eliminate the alcohol in 1 drink.
Why is it important to not take medication unless it is from a trusted adult?
Dosage, you don't want to take to much or to little.
Purpose, you should always know what your medication is treating.
Interaction, some medication may have negative reactions with other medications or foods.
- alter brain development.
- highly addictive.
- effects memory, concentration and mood.
- increase anxiety/stress.
- increase heart rate and blood pressure.
- faulty vapes (can blow up when overheated).
- dangerous chemicals found in vapes.
- not enough research - very problematic.
Cannabis use is known to alter brain development if used during younger years. At what age does your brain stop developing?
25 years old (mid 20s).
The first part of the body that is affected by alcohol is the ___________.
What is a healthy way to deal with stress?
Physical Activity
Hangout with a friend or loved one
Talk about it
How much money do vaping companies make a year from selling products?
Roughly 8 billion a year.
How many chemicals are naturally occurring in cannabis?
400 chemicals.
What are the long-term effects of drinking alcohol often?
Liver disease, heart problems, kidney failure, addiction,coma
What are some "triggers" that could lead to substance abuse.