Quotes in a Story
Verify News Stories
News vs Opinion

Does it matter if the quote on a news story is from a person who lies constantly? If so, Why?

What is: Yes, it most likely means they will lie again.


What is a possible dead giveaway of a fake story?

What is: Most of the comments are saying that it is a fake story and why.


What are sources?

What is: The publication of a record or news story that gives information.


Is this following sentence news or opinion?

"I really hate how Twitter is set up!"

What is: Opinion


Would saying the following statement be considered news?

The Queen of England has passed away.

What is: Yes.


If Kim Kardashian said a random fact, should you believe it without checking if it is true first?

What is: No


What is a website that can help check if a news story is fake?

What is: snopes.com


If you find a very large story that can impact the nation as a whole, but nobody on the news has talked about it, should you believe it right away?

What is; no, the larger it can impact the nation, the faster news outlets will find it.


True or false:

"Opinion pieces never have clearly stated arguments."

What is: false


Should news articles make antagonistic comments?

What is: No.


True or False:

All quotes are taken out of context in news articles.

What is: False


What does it mean if a news story invokes an emotion?

What is: The story might be trying to get under your skin and manipulate your feelings, so you should be wary.


What is a good news source in Plam Beach County?

What is: The Palm Beach Post


What are other names for opinion pieces?

What is: editorial and op-ed


What is clickbait?

Something trying to attract attention to a certain page.


Does it matter if only one part of a quote is taken and the other side of the quote is disproving what was just said?

What is: YES!


True or false:

If emotion is evoked by a headline you shouldn't be worried about how reputable the news story is.

What is: False


True or False:

TikTok has more accurate information than the Palm Beach Post.

What is: false


What are some reputable sources that state opinion pieces?

What is: The Washington Post or The New York Times


What is the goal for most news outlets?

What is: To have an objective and informative story.


Does the background information before a quote matter as much as the quote?

What is: Yes.


What is the best way to check if a news article has real information?

What is: Doing your own research.


True or false:

You should always check your sources before truly believing a story and see if they are credible.

What is: true


Which of these choices is an opinion:

A) Happy the Elephant is not considered a human according to courts.

B) Religious education should be an elective part of the public school curriculum.

What is: B


What does bias mean?

What is: Skewing information to one side.