SNEd +MNE knowledge
Daily knowledge

Describe how to access TMD's bylaws.

The Daily's bylaws are found on our website and are publicly accessible. They can also be found internally in the TMD Library.

How do you correctly format the word healthcare in TMD style?

Health care (space!)


How many sources must each TMD News article include at a minimum? 

3 sources, and almost always there should be at least 1 student source


What does Nadia include in her dayside emails?

Nadia includes a "This Week in the News" section, a short blurb about what is going on in her life, stories due Sundayside, and any reminders for staff.


What does the M in "MDesk" stand for?



If the EIC is unavailable, or cannot be reached, who are the next three people in line to serve as EIC?

1. Managing Editor

2. Digital Managing Editor (if there is one)

3. Managing News Editor(s)


How do you format "person of color" in TMD style?

person of Color (capitalize the C)


In which situations would we contact PA for a comment?

TMD needs to contact PA whenever someone criticizes the University in an article. The University has a right to respond to that criticism.

How many SNEds/MNEs have a twin?

3! (bonus points for names: Ji Hoon, Astrid, and Rachel)

What time/day is Editorial Board?

Tuesdays from 7:30pm to 9pm


What is the purpose of copy desk?

Copy desk was created to fact-check and edit for grammar, syntax and Daily style.


How would you refer to a person with this name and title in an article on first reference? Kiera Blanchett, Associate Director of Student Affairs at WSN, LSA Junior

LSA junior Kiera Blanchett, associate director of Student Affairs at WSN, ...


When you join TMD's News staff, what are rules you must adhere to?

Cannot join CSG

Cannot outwardly express political views on social media if TMD is associated with your account

Cannot speak on behalf of The Daily

Cannot report on something in which a reporter has a conflict of interest

Cannot publish content explicitly political for a news organization


Name all the SNEds and what are their respective daysides?

Monday: Ji Hoon

Tuesday: Mary 

Wednesday: Sneha

Thursday: Astrid

Friday: Abby

Weekend: Nadia


What is/are the Editor/Editors in Chief's role as it relates to the Editorial and Business staff of TMD?

The EIC acts as a liaison between the Editorial and Business staff.


How many votes would it take to fire a Managing Editor at The Daily?

The Managing Editor; the Special Projects Manager; other editors appointed by the Editor in Chief and approved by Management Desk; and the Editor in Chief may be fired by a two-thirds vote of Management Desk.


How do we specify someone has a P.h.D?

The preferred form is to say a person holds a doctorate and name the individual’s area of specialty. Ex. Rachel Mintz holds a doctorate in biology.


Describe what having a "conflict of interest" means.

A conflict of interest occurs when a staffer may be either disadvantaged or have an advantage by reporting on a certain subject/event. This includes speaking with a source who is a friend of theirs, speaking with their current professor, or speaking with an employer. This could also include reporting on an event in which they helped to organize/are associated with.

What is Riley's cat's name?



Name all TMD sections.

News, opinion, sports, arts, photography, online, copy desk, video, Statement, Michigan in Color, audience engagement, design, podcast, culture, training and inclusion, Focal Point and games.


When are print pages due by MEs of each section and by designers?

Monday night


If a staffer is confused about the spelling/structure of a word to include in their article, what are the three resources (in order) that the staffer should check to adhere to style guide rules?

1. Daily stylebook

2. AP stylebook

3. Merriam-Webster


Name one major part of The Daily's Code of Ethics.

TMD Code of Ethics:

1. Seek Truth and Report It

2. Minimize Harm

3. Act Independently


What were Rachel's and Riley's old daysides when they were SNEds?

Rachel did Sunday daysides and Friday daysides

Riley did Tuesday daysides


How many students work on the editorial staff of TMD?

593 people