Sports & Education
Miscellaneous #1
Miscellaneous #2
People in Nepal are playing a new type of polo, however, players do not ride on horses. Instead they ride on what type of animal?
This singer/songwriter was recently named Forbes' highest earning celebrity, earning $170,000,000 in just one year!
This well-known video game company has released a re-make of a popular and classic game console. This game console allows players to choose from a "menu" of games, eliminating the need for game cartridges!
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake just devastated parts of what country?
This famous work of art recently celebrated its 75th birthday. This sculpture, finished in 1941, was such a massive undertaking that it took 14 years to complete!
Mount Rushmore
The curse has been broken. The Chicago Cubs won the 2016 World Series, making it their first World Series win since ________ (year).
On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump earned enough electoral votes to be elected the next President of the United States. This will make him the _______ President of the US (number) as well as the oldest President to ever take office.
Android Pay has existed in the United States for a while. Google recently decided to launch this unique payment system in this European country.
Americans consume, on average, 40 gallons of soda every year. This leads to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay, which is why many people are pushing for soda companies to add this to soda cans.
Warning labels!
Around the US, there are a lot of Thanksgiving traditions. What is the oldest Thanksgiving tradition?
Wishbone Tug-of-War
The average Class of 2016 graduate has $__________ in student loan debt, up six percent from last year.
As a way to burn off steam after being devastated about the US election results, a New York woman went for a hike in the woods with her dog. Ironically, she ran into _________ on her hike!
An MIT start-up company wants to make taking your medicine easier and more efficient. How do they plan to do this?
By creating a 3-D printed pill that can be personalized and be filled with up to twelve different medications at once.
Movie theatres are introducing a new movie-viewing experience called 4DX. With moving seats, scents in the air, water spraying, and more, it will allow movie-goers to feel like they are actually in the movie. This new special effect was invented in what Asian country?
A new movie, Trolls, recently opened in movie theatres. In this film, the two main characters, Poppy and Branch, have to work together to save Poppy's kingdom from the _________, a group of Troll-eating creatures.
Wounded veterans have benefitted tremendously from the help of service dogs, and now a different type of animal is serving that same purpose. This animal can do things like turn on/off lights, grab things for you, and most importantly, lift your spirits. What type of animal is it?
Capuchin Monkey
The town of Cormorant, Minnesota has had quite an unusual governor for the past two years. This governor knows everyone in town and enjoys burgers and fries at a local pub. Who is this unusual governor?
a DOG!
NASA created this technological marvel in 1990 and have been using it to discover secret planets, galaxies, and stars ever since. This amazing technology will retire within the next few years. What is the name of this technological marvel?
Each year, November 11th is dedicated to honoring veterans who risked their live to defend own rights and freedoms. This holiday, now called Veteran's Day, was established around the time of WWI; however its went by a different name. What was the original name for Veteran's Day?
Armistice Day
The United Nations is predicting that by 2020, there will be more people in the world who are over the age of 65 than under the age of 5. What will cause this?
Better quality of life (better access to health care, better nutrition, etc.) has led to the higher life expectancies!
The Chicago Cubs recently won their first World Series in over one hundred years! Fans believe a "curse" is to blame for this long streak. People believe the curse began after a man named Billy was not allowed to bring his __________ into the stadium to watch a game. Billy was infuriated and supposedly "cursed" the team.
A civil war in Syria has been going on since 2011, and there is no sign of it stopping anytime soon. The destruction from the war is so immense that many of the citizens of Syria have fled the country for safer nations. One city in Syria used to be the country's largest city, but now only 1/10 of the population remains because so many people have either evacuated or been killed. What is the name of this city?
A new watch called the Power Watch is quite innovative. Unlike other watches, it doesn't require batteries or a charging source. It will be able to charge itself in a unique way. How so?
The wearer's own body heat!
The latest viral sensation is taking the world by storm! Started by a school in Florida, this activity requires "players" to freeze in any position for at least a minute. What is this called?
Mannequin Challenge
A company called Waverly Labs has created a gadget straight out of science fiction! It is a new set of earbuds called the Pilot that has capabilities that go so far beyond just playing music. Their aim is to improve communication systems around the world. What will these new earbuds be able to do?
Translate foreign languages! When worn, the earbuds will pick up nearby voices, send the information via bluetooth to a smartphone app, translate the speech, and then whisper the translation back to the listener. Once it is released, you can own one for ~$250!