This event takes place in which city?
What is Houston, Texas?
This is another word for farming
What is agriculture?
People who compete in the rodeo are called these.
What are cowboys and cowgirls?
This special event lights up the sky at the rodeo.
What is the drone show?
The rodeo has one of these every night, where musicians perform for large crowds.
What is a concert?
The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo runs from this date to this date in 2025.
What is March 4 - March 23?
These are animals raised on farms or ranches.
What is livestock?
The rodeo has this event where riders must stay on a large, bucking animal.
What is bull riding?
Kids can try to do this, a fun event where they attempt to stay on a running sheep.
What is mutton busting (riding a sheep)?
This country singer famous for “Whiskey Lullaby” is performing at the rodeo in 2025.
Who is Brad Paisley?
This is the largest livestock show in the world.
What is the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo?
A farm chore might include gathering these from chickens
What are eggs?
In this event, competitors race their horses in a cloverleaf pattern.
What is barrel racing?
People can see how this dairy product is made by milking a cow.
What is milk?
This rap/pop star known for "Circles" is one of the performers.
Who is Post Malone?
The main purpose of this event is to celebrate this aspect of society.
What is agriculture?
People can visit this area at the rodeo to see bees making honey and baby chicks hatching.
What is the agriculture area?
Cowboys and cowgirls compete in this event where they use a rope to capture a young animal.
What is calf roping?
Visitors can ride this tall amusement park ride at the rodeo carnival.
What is the Ferris wheel?
This artist, known for her hit song "Fancy," is one of the rodeo's featured performers.
Who is Reba McEntire?
Kids who compete in livestock shows raise these kinds of animals.
What are pigs, cows, chickens, and sheep?
Kids can participate in this event where young pigs race around a track
What is the pig race?
Each rodeo event has one of these, given to the best competitor.
What is a champion?
People can enjoy this area where they get to pet farm animals.
What is the petting zoo?
This band, famous for the song "Bang!," is also performing at the rodeo.
Who is AJR?