What year is Newsies set?
What do the Newsies do to make money?
Sell newspapers
What is a "trolley?"
It is a type of transportation for getting around the city; it looks similar to a train car or a small bus, but it has no engine.
What event made child labor prevalent?
The American Industrial Revolution
1820-1870, although extreme child labor continued in America until the 1930s.
Where does Jack say that his parents are from?
Santa Fe, New Mexico
How does Mr. Pulitzer's decision hurt the Newsies?
They make less money
How do headline help to sell newspapers?
They get the reader's attention
What is a "scab" in the movie Newsies?
A person who does not join the strike and continues to work.
What did the newsboy strike directly lead to?
What does Jack dream of doing?
Moving West and becoming a cowboy
Finish the quote: "This city thrives on _______"
Child labor
What do the Newsies do in response to Mr. Pulitzer's decision?
Go on strike and refuse to sell Pulitzer papers
What is "Yellow Journalism?"
When stories are exaggerated or falsified to sell papers
What law and regulations did the newsboy strikes help develop?
Child labor laws.
After all the copy-cat strikes arose around the country, investigations began.
What is Jack Kelly's real name?
Francis Sullivan
What type of accents to the Newsies have?
New York
How did the Newsies get the other gangs to join the strike?
Printed their own paper, "Newsies Banner" and passed it around the city
What is a "picket line?"
A line of people protesting a business, institution, or organization.
Bonus Question: What year did Congress pass the law restricting child labor?
Woodrow Wilson was president.
Which one of Jack's friends was captured and sent to the Refuge?
What does Spot say when he appeared to help the Newsies in the newspaper raid?
"Never fear, Brooklyn is here!"
How much were the Newsies fined by the judge?
Today, it's equal to around $190.12
What does the word "clamor" mean?
Noisy shouting or a loud continuous noise; a strong or load demand.
Which former president created the Fair Labor Standards Act, introducing 40-hour work weeks, established minimum wage, required overtime pay, and prohibited child labor outside of specific circumstances (like a family-owned business?)
Hint: it was not Gov. Teddy Roosevelt.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
What is the name of the music hall Medda Larkson owns?
Irving Hall