Nursing Education
Academic Misconduct/ Bullying
Handwashin' & Clinical Nurse Specialist
Nurse Midwife& Nursing Informatics

what are the 3 entry level nursing educations

nursing diploma, associates degree, bachelors degree


when does bullying start in nursing

in education, and it becomes accepted in practice 


the single most effective means of preventing nosocomial bloodstream infections? also decreases rates of mRSA...

Hand washing!! Foam in and out, everybody does it!


wht can APRNs do? (3 broad things, RNs cannot do)

diagnose, order and perform/ do procedures


what degree do you need to be a midwife

currently masters, very soon will be a doctorate


what are the differences between PhD and DNP

PhD- research focused, nurse scholars/ scientists

DNP- practice/ clinical focused, APRNs


examples of misconduct in the nursing field

discussing clients in public places, reporting vitals not taken/ recalled


what spheres of influence does a CNS have?

  • micro and macro spheres

  •  CNSs are the only APRN prepared to function simultaneously across the different spheres from patient to entire healthcare systems. They utilize this unique autonomy to lead and transform health care at the bedside and across settings.


what is key for a CRNA to have a positive relationship with their pts? throw some examples out to

'active presence'- communication, eye contact, body language, education


what are some examples of 'nursing informatics'

EHR, personal HR, smart assistive tools


what type of educated entry level nurses should hospitals hire to provide the best pt outcomes

bachelors educated


what does unethical behavior risk

risks clinical practice, nurses have the responsibility to provide safe pt care using EBP


biggest limitation on why hand washing is not happening

lack of education


why are NPs not able to fully utilize their talents?

b/c their roles are not clearly defined in healthcare, and they should have their role expanded in order to create better pt outcomes


what are some benefits of work/ better nursing informatics

better communication of staff which leads to better pt outcomes


what errors are prevented when the skill mix is heavy on BSN compared to the other entry level nurses

lower levels of disease, shorter pt stays, theyre more likely to identify medical errors 


what percentage of nursing students said they experienced bullying



what is a CNS?

  • The CNS is one of four Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) categories (Mayo, Ray, Chamblee, Urden, Moody, 2017).

    • “American Nurses Association recognizes the role of the CNA as a clinical expert for a specific population in nursing, with attributes distinguishing them from other advanced practice nurses.”

    • ** work on a micro and macro level, are the big research people that help promote current practice in hospital 


what where NPs found to have better control of, for the pts, compared to MDs

glucose levels, BP, and better pt satisfaction


what are some pt care difference of a midwife compared to a obgyn

increased pt satisfaction, decrease length of stay, more emotional support, use of tech only when needed, less invasive interventions, less pharmacologic intervention, 


what graduate educated nurses is there a shortage for and why is it important

PhD- they do the EB research for nursing practice, and it needs to keep up with the times


what is the breakdown of who contributes to bullying the most in nursing

clinical instructors most common (30.2%); staff nurses (25.5%), classmate (15%) and patient families (14%)


what does full CNS autonomy provide?

better pt outcomes, unique set of jobs which increases pt satisfaction


how do CRNAs prevent adverse pt outcomes?

identify needs/ risks early, promote teamwork, identify risk for hemorrhage early, 


what does newton feel is really lacking with the current medical record system?

not made/ not efficient for nurses. Nurses need to be the ones making their own system, so it fits the nursing process