In Real Life
Newton's Laws
Math Review

Provide one example of Newton's First Law in the classroom

Any classroom object remaining stationary until acted on; an object that moves when acted on


What is a net force?

Total of all forces acting on an object.


List and briefly describe Newton's Laws of Motion.

1st- object in motion stays in motion, at rest stays at rest, at a constant velocity continues at that velocity unless acted on by force

2nd- F=ma or a= F/m

3rd- equal and opposite reactions


What a force?

A push or pull on an object


What is the equation for force?

F= ma OR a = F/m


Why is running in a zigzag pattern when being chased by a large predator an effective strategy to keep from being caught?

Large objects (including animals) have a lot of inertia, which means that as long as you have less mass than whatever is chasing you, you will be able to change directions easier than they can


True or False: the force of gravity is constant regardless of where you are in the universe. 



Which law of motion is demonstrated when two curling stones collide and move in opposite directions?

Newton's 3rd Law


What is inertia?

The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. 


What is 0.00047 in scientific notation?

4.7 x 10-4


While playing Fortnite, you can outrun the storm by sliding on ice. The player travels at a constant velocity and does not slow down, even when sliding across an entire frozen lake. In fact, you don't stop sliding until you reach the shore. Which of Newton's Laws does this demonstrate?

1st; an object in motion (the player) will stay in motion until acted upon by a force (the shore/friction)


Friction is a force that acts in what direction?

The direction that opposes motion. 


True or False: Once an object is moving, a force is needed to keep it moving. 

False; no force is needed according to Newton's First Law.


An attractive force that exists between any two masses is known as



A sled is pushed with a force of 20 N. It accelerates at a rate of 3.2 m/s2. What is the mass of the sled in grams?

6250 g


A skydiver freefalls for 45 seconds before pulling their parachute. When the parachute opens, the skydiver's velocity slows dramatically, making it safe to land. Explain how a parachute is able to slow the skydiver.

The parachute opens and has a much larger surface area than the skydiver, which maximizes their air resistance and slows them down.


Explain why Newton's Laws are not always observed in the real world 

The real world is not a closed system, there are many forces that may act on an object in any given scenario


Which of Newton's Laws states that an object at a constant velocity will continue moving at that constant velocity until acted on by an unbalanced force.

Newton's First Law

What does it mean for variables to be "directly proportional?" What about "inversely proportional?"

Directly = as one increases/decreases, so does the other by the same ratio

Inversely = as one increases/decreases, the other does the opposite by the same ratio


A baseball is thrown with 15 N of force and has a mass of 0.145 kg. What is it's acceleration?

2.18 m/s2


You are playing paintball with friends and need to make a long-distance shot. Explain why or why not it is wise to aim a bit high.

Once fired, the paintball is a projectile. Projectiles take a curved path in the air as gravity pulls them down, so the paintball will drop as it moves towards the target.


An car is traveling forward with a force of 325 N. Air resistance and friction oppose the cars motion with forces of 10 N and 30 N, respectively. What is the net force acting on the car? 

285 N


Explain Newton's Second Law in full sentences; do not just summarize using an equation.

Acceleration and net force are directly related, while acceleration and mass are inversely related; things with small mass require less force to accelerate than things with large mass


A support force that acts perpendicular to the surface is known as what? Is it always equal to the weight of the object?

Normal force; no 


Convert 36 mph to m/s (5280 ft = 1 mile; 3600 s = 1 hr; 3.28 ft = 1 meter)

16.10 m/s