Frames for Fame
Move it or Lose it
I fought the law, and the law won.
A Force is a Force, of Course, of Course
Pot Pourri

THIS is the background, assumed to be stationary, against which we measure motion.

What is a Frame of Reference?


An object that speeds up, slows down, or changes direction is doing THIS.

What is accelerating?


According to Newton, every action has an equal and opposite THIS.

What is reaction?


THIS type of energy can be based on an object's position.

What is potential energy?


HE is also called Dennis.

Who is Dublin?


Finn is on a train, which is traveling 100 miles/hour.  He walks toward the back of the train at 5 miles per hour.  THIS is his speed relative to the ground.

What is 95 miles per hour?


THIS is the equation you would use to find speed.

What is speed = distance/time?


THIS law is also known as the law of inertia.

What is Newton's First Law?


THIS is the ability to do work.

What is energy?


When Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend, you should do THIS to your clocks.

What is set them back one hour.


Tess shoots her rifle, held perfectly level, at the same time that Willa drops a bullet from the same height.  THIS one hits the ground first.

What is neither one hits first - they both hit at the same time?


Siena runs 3 miles an hour.  THIS is how long it takes for her to run from her house to school, which is 18 miles away.

What is 6 hours?


According to Newton's second law, increasing the force on a mass will result in an increase in THIS.

What is acceleration?


When Finn LaCasse runs in a curved path, THIS is the force pushing him to the center of the curve.

What is centripetal force?


THIS is a good example of vocal fry.

What is the way I am speaking now.

The difference between speed and velocity is THIS.

What is that velocity also includes direction?


Madison is ready to run the Olympic 100m dash.  At the gun, she goes from the start to 10m/s in 2 seconds.  THIS is her acceleration.

What is 5 m/s^2?


When you jump up as high as you can, you push down on the earth.  The reaction force is THIS.

What is the earth pushes up on you?


A projectile travels in a curved path because of a combination of its original velocity and THIS.

What is its downward acceleration due to gravity?


John, Paul, Ringo and HIM.

Who is George?


Livi is running North toward Zachary at a speed of 4 mi/hour.  Zachary is running North away from Livi at 10 mi/hour. If Livi is the frame of reference, THIS is Zach's velocity.

What is 6 mi/hr North?


Willa is riding her bicycle around in slow circles at a constant speed of 2 mi/hr.  At the same time, Zoe flies past on her bicycle, riding like the wind, in a straight line, at a constant speed of 45 mi/hr. THIS one has a greater acceleration.

Who is Willa?


When the same force is applied to objects with different masses, THIS one has the greater acceleration.

What is the one with less mass?


The DAILY DOUBLE!  Ritter the Astronaut is in trouble.  He was doing a space walk to repair his rocket ship and he became untethered from the ship.  He is slowly floating away from his ship, with only his handy space hammer for company.  THIS is how Finn uses Newton's Third Law to get back to his ship and why it works.

What is he throws the hammer in the direction away from the ship? - the force he exerts on the hammer away from the ship is matched by the force towards the ship that the hammer exerts on him.  Hence, he accelerates toward the ship.


Capsaicin is a chemical that gives a particular piquancy to THESE vegetables.

What are hot peppers?