Explain It
Experiment With It
Apply It
Calculate It

If the student released the balloon, in what direction would the air move?

In what direction would the balloon move?

What law is this?

Air to the left

Balloon to the right

3rd Law of Motion (or action/reaction)


In what direction would the wooden platform will move when the lit match burns through the string and the weight is propelled from the platform?

to the left


When a passenger in train A looks at a passenger directly across in train B, it appears that train B is not moving, even though both trains are moving. How does the speed of train A compare to the speed of train B?

They are moving at the same speed/ velocity


I ran 10 meters and it took me 5 seconds to do that. What was my average speed?

2 m/s

10/5 = 2


How would taping a coin (adding mass) to the balloon affect the motion of the balloon?

It would slow down.

F =ma, this means if mass increases, acceleration must decrease.


How would using scissors to cut the string instead of burning the string with a match, affect the distance the wooden platform moves?

It would move the same distance whether we use scissors or a match.


Calculate the acceleration of the cart.

2 m/s2

since F = ma

20 N = 10 kg x ?


How much net force if being exerted on this box and in what direction?

15 N to the right

40-25 = 15 to the right


Why is marking the starting position important if the student wants to calculate the average speed of the balloon?

Because in order to measure average speed, we need to know total distance traveled (which we will then divide by total time it took to travel)


How would removing the pencils from under the wooden platform have effect on the distance the platform moves?

Wooden platform would move shorter distance (because that would cause more friction with the table)


Determine the mass of the cart, using the equation F = ma.

2 kg

(3N = ? x 1.5 m/s2)


It took me 10 hours to get to my destination and I was traveling at an average speed of 50 miles per hour. What distance did I travel?

500 miles

Distance/ time = speed

?/10=50 that means 10 x 50 


3 identical satellites are orbiting the Earth.

Predict what might happen to Satellite B if the forces acting on it become unbalanced.

It will escape its orbit and move in a straight line because of inertia.


What effect would shortening the string have on the distance the wooden platform moves?

Wooden platform would move greater distance (because according to 3rd law, short string means the more the rubber band will be stretched (action) that means the more the platform will move (reaction))


Explain why the box that is just sitting on top of the cart may continue to move forward if the cart suddenly stops moving.

According to 1st law, both the cart and the box are moving at the same speed together, but since unbalanced force makes the cart stop moving, box will continue moving forward because of inertia.


A car was resting at the red light. Once the light turned green, it took 20 seconds for it to reach the speed of 100 m/s. What was its acceleration? 

5 m/s2



State one change the student could make, without changing the angle at which the bow is held, so that the arrow would travel a greater distance.

1. Pull back the bow string more (3rd law, greater action, greater reaction

2. Use an arrow with less mass (2nd law, F=ma, smaller mass, greater acceleration)


What effect would having a wooden platform with greater mass have on the distance it moves?

Wooden platform would move shorter distance (because according to 2nd law F = ma, the bigger the mass the smaller the acceleration)


Predict the acceleration of the cart if the student were to perform the same experiment again using 2.1 N of force?

1.05 m/s2

(4.2 N => 2.1 m/s2

 2.1 N => 1.05 m/s2)


Jane weighs 100 kg. She is running towards me with the speed of 5 m/s. What is her momentum? (use momentum formula)

500 kg m/s

(momentum = mass x velocity

100 x 5 = 100