Word Meaning
Facts and Opinions
Predictions/More Inferences

What does it mean to compare and contrast?

Finding likeness and differences in things

learning how things are similar and how they are different


Name two ways you can find the meaning of a word in a text

Use context clues

Look at examples

Look for definitions

Looks for synonyms and antonyms 


What is an inference?

Coming up with a conclusion based on clues and hints in a text or passage
True or False

An opinion is piece of information that can be proved with concrete evidence. 



What is a prediction?

Making a guess about what is yet to happen in a story or text


Name 3 signal words used when making a comparison

same, same as, similar, similarly, also, too, as well as, likewise, both


I like that store. All the employees strive to make the customers feel right at home. Which word is a synonym of “strive”?

a. complain

b. try

c. fail

d. clean

b. try


Who Am I?

I love to eat grass with my sharp "teeth". My home is usually in the garage. I go to sleep every fall and winter, but I work hard in the spring and summer. People push me around outside. I eat gasoline for energy.

A lawn mower


True or False

An opinion can be different from one person to the next.



What am I?

You can't use me unless you break me.

An egg

Name 3 signal words used when making a contrasting statement. 

but, however, while, on the other hand, different, differently, although, even though


Some people believe that lawyers are always working to see that justice is done. On the other hand, some believe that lawyers only want to manipulate the legal system to get what they want. Could both sides be right? What does “manipulate” mean?

a. control in a dishonest way

b. give help

c. teach about or explain

d. disagree with

a. control in a dishonest way 


Who am I?

When people visit me they don't seem to mind that I go after them with sharp objects. In fact, they pay me when I cut them. Sometimes I cut people and give them bangs. Sometimes I cut a lot, and sometimes I cut just a little.

A hair stylist


Fact or Opinion

This group of students are 7th graders.



Who am I?

I put on my scrubs, mask, and gloves. The nurse gave me the patient name and I began the operation.

A surgeon


Compare Mrs. Krueger and Ms. Mugalli



No matter what happens, I assure you that I will not forget how hard you have worked on this project. What does "assure" mean?

a. dare

b. promise

c. act like a donkey

d. forget

b. promise 


Billy sat with his head down. He looked around and saw all of his buddies working hard. Billy raised his hand because he knew he needed help. He had his worksheet, but he did not know what to write on it. Where is Billy?

In School


Fact or Opinion

Country music is better than rap music


Who am I?

I walked into the oval office and sat on my chair. I looked around and thought to myself "I can get used to this for the next 4 years". 

The President of the United States


Contrast Mrs. Krueger and Ms. Mugalli



0. “Michelle, I’m very upset about what you said,” Rosie stated firmly. “You didn’t come right out and accuse me of eating all your candy. On the other hand, your remarks about my love of chocolate were made for a reason. You are insinuating that I’m the candy thief!” What does “insinuate” mean?

a. to keep something hot or cold

b. to suggest without clearly saying

c. to do something evil

d. to protect from disease

b. to suggest without clearly saying 


My brother caught the ball and ran as fast as he could across the field. I was so worried that he would get tackled by other players who were running after him, but thankfully, they could not catch up with him. 

What is happening?

Playing football


Fact or Opinion

Pineapples are better than apples



Who am I?

I've started loving being in this building. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. I will be sad when I leave in December. 

Ms. Mugalli