Obscure Mythological Creatures
Once They Were Banned
Weird Guiness World Records
Let's Get The 'L' Out Of Here
Odd Phobias

This female spirit in Irish folklore heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening, and its name has become associated with its cry.

What is a Banshee


I don't know how I would have been able to fully wake up in the morning in 16th-century Mecca, because authorities banned this drink, fearing it stimulated radical thinking and unrest.

What is coffee


Joel Strasser managed to stick 187 of these Christmas lollies in his beard.

What are candy canes


A long, narrow cut or opening, and

To be in a position where one's weight is supported by the buttocks rather than the feet

What is slit and sit


The phobia called 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' would cause someone suffering from it to not even want to read the word itself

What is the fear of long words


This country believes that humans carry a god inside them that is released upon death and “infused with supernatural power”, creating a ghost called a Yurei

What is Japan


Banned in the 16th and 17th century in parts of Europe for being poisonous, people did die after eating this fruit, but only because its acidity extracted the lead from the pewter plates used at the time.

What are tomatoes


Briton George Scholey solved 500 of these puzzles in 40 minutes, all while riding a skateboard.

What are Rubik's cubes


A sudden brief burst of bright flame or light, and

The money paid for a journey on public transport

What is flare and fare


Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of this food sticking to the roof of your mouth

What is peanut butter


The Makara is half terrestrial animal in the frontal part (stag, deer, or elephant) and half aquatic animal in the hind part (usually of a fish, a dolphin, or a snake), and is part of this Indian religion.


What is Hindu


You put gum in your mouth and chew it to get the flavour. Or, if you are in this island country in South-east Asia, you don't do that, as you will risk a fine.

What is Singapore


In 2016, Mao Weidong of China held this isometric core strength exercise position for eight hours and one minute back in 2016.

What is a plank


Strike the palms of one's hands together repeatedly, and

A kind of soft, flat hat

What is clap and cap


Xanthophobia is the fear of this specific colour...or maybe, also the fear of a specific Coldplay song.

What is yellow


Half man and half horse, the Tikbalang is from this Pacific Ocean archipelago that was a Spanish colony for over 300 years.

What is the Phillipines


Nobody was using this toy to 'walk the dog', 'rock the baby' or anything else in Syria in the 1930s as it was banned because they believed it caused drought. 

What is the YoYo


Kimberly "Kimycola" Winter set the female record for this self-created sound at 107 decibels, which for reference is comparable to a motorcycle at full throttle. An Australian holds the world record for males at 112 decibels.

What is a burp


A yellow precious metal, and 

In religion, the creator of the universe

What is gold and god


A person with Barophobia might enjoy being on the moon about 60% more than being on earth

What is gravity


In Greek mythology, this son of Erebus ferries the souls of the dead over the Styx

Who is Charon


From 1644 to 1660 in England, this religious group got a ban on Christmas for being too indulgent and non-religious

Who are the Puritans


Lee Redmond's record-setting body parts reached a combined length of 8.65 meters before she lost them in an accident.

What are fingernails


Having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair, and

Of poor quality, or a low standard

What is bald and bad


Phobophobia is the fear of developing this condition.

What is a phobia