Support Services

you can enroll an OSY (Out of school youth) 15-24

NO, 16-24


can you use school ID for enrollment or work authorization?

yes, as long as it's the current year 


Where should all support service payments be entered at on I-trac 

In the payment tab 


how soon should case note and services be entered after working with a client?

by 14 days 

what percentage for our POIC grant should in school youth or out of school youth.  

80% out of school 

20% in school 


Require additional assistance is usually used in I-trac when?

when they don't meet anything else on the criteria list but may have never held a job, fired, teen parents etc.


what is work authorization, when do you do it?

when you view I9 documents before making a supportive payment or training services (anything where money is being spent) 


financial literacy can only be completed when a youth is in intensive but not follow up?

True or False 

False, youth can complete financial literacy while in intensive and follow up 


what career lab is missing below?

Adaptability, collaboration, communication, digital fluency, empathy, resilience, self-awareness, understanding workplace diversity. 

Entrepreneurial Mindset 


A participant can be enrolled in Nextgen and A Home For Everyone if they need housing stability support and employment, career pathway support?

NO, because both programs are from the same funding source.


what is something that a male record will obtain but a female record wouldn't.

Selective Services


when do you enter a credential?

what are a few different credentials 

when a person has received them 

High school diploma, pre-apprenticeship credentials, training credentials, associate degree. 


a person can complete the 10 career labs in follow up 

NO, it has to be completed while in intensive 


When updating the ISP (Individual Service Plan) what do you put it in I-trac as?

Individual Career Plan Development and review 


what is a planned exit?

When should you use planned exit

when a participant will exit intensive and move into follow up 

When a participant is employed successfully, completed long, short term goals. Career coach believes the participant is ready for follow up


what is the eligibility for out of school youth?

Homeless/ Runaway 

high school dropout/justice impacted, pregnant, teen parent, with disability, deficient in basic skills, English language learner, low income and has never held a job, between 18-24 never held a full time,18-24 has been fired from a job prior to program, quit post-secondary education without attaining credentials 


What should each nextgen file obtain?

Need documentation, Signed program application, Career mapping and ISP (Individual Career Plan) If wexy, training agreement, supervisor evaluation, credentials,  


what is Learning opportunity? is it the same as a work experience?

no, participants earn stipend for participating in or completing education or learning activities. 


What is a planned exit?

When should you use planned exit

when a participant will exit intensive and move into follow up 

When a participant is employed successfully, completed long, short term goals. Career coach believes the participant is ready for follow up


ISP should be done every ____ days 

180 days 


Can you enroll a 20-year-old pregnant out of school mom that has her GED& associate degree but wants to obtain her bachelor's degree in social justice, since she has personal experience of the system from being in foster care as a teenager and fighting a theft II case when she turned 18 

NO, because she already has her associate degree, she is considered overly qualified for the program 


you are working with an 19 year old male whose reading and writing is at a 7th grade level he doesn't have any I9 documentation except for a family bible that he cherishes. How would you enroll this person?

what will you need to make sure is completed while enrolling him?

  Enroll him using the family bible as documentation, having him sign the application as "customer assentation" After enrolling help him obtain ID, social security card. 

Since he is 19 make sure you verify his selective service registration. 


Before doing your first support service payment what do you have to have completed?

case note of I9 documents, prosperity budget or case note of customer assentation of homeless, released from jail within 90 days, qualify for low-income bus pass, unemployed, receiving SNAP, TANF, section 8, Medicaid, WIC, free or reduced lunch 


What is global exit? (Global exclusion exit)

When should you use it?

When a person is exited out of the system so it doesn't affect the programs outcomes.

When a person is deceased, health& medical reasons, foster care movement, institutionalized and called to active duty


An ISY participant needs support with their tuition in college for their freshman year they are only 200 dollars short, can we help support with this?

No, we would have to refer them to the Worksource to see if they could apply for an ITA (individual training account)