Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews

This aspect of personal hygiene involves ensuring that one's body is clean and free from dirt, odor, and sweat, contributing to a professional appearance.

What is maintaining personal cleanliness?


This document provides a brief summary of an individual's education, work experience, skills, and qualifications, typically submitted as part of a job application.

What is a resume?


This type of professional footwear is characterized by its polished appearance, typically featuring leather construction and a closed-toe design, suitable for formal business settings.

What are dress shoes or formal shoes?


To ensure readability, it's recommended to use this font style for the body of a resume, which is clear and professional.

What is a serif, times new roman, calibri, or arial font?


This essential aspect of ethical behavior involves always doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.

What is integrity? 

These documents accompany resumes and provide more detailed information about an applicant's qualifications, experiences, and achievements.

What are cover letters?


When selecting professional attire, it's important to consider this aspect of clothing fit, ensuring that garments neither constrict movement nor appear overly loose or baggy.

What is proper or appropriate fit?


This non-verbal communication cue is crucial during an interview, as it conveys confidence, interest, and professionalism.

What is maintaining eye-contact?


This type of handshake is generally considered appropriate during an interview, demonstrating assertiveness and warmth without being overly aggressive.

What is a firm handshake?


This aspect of a cover letter focuses on why the applicant is interested in the position and company, demonstrating their enthusiasm and alignment with the company's values and goals.

What is expressing interest and fit?