Phong Trao 1
Thanh The 1
Phong Trao 2
Thanh The 2
Thanh The 3

Who are we? Answer in both Viet and English

1. Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement in the USA

2. Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam 


Explain how the Holy Scripture AND the Eucharist brings us closer to God.

1. scripture:  feeding our soul with his words so that we may also preach it 

2. providing us with his presence in the form of the body (bread) and blood (wine) of Jesus Christ 


What are the two teaching methods of Phong Trao? Explain each method.

1. natural: develop human characteristics and skills

2. spiritual: TNTT's members form a closer relationship with God


Give me a short summary about the Covenant of Adam and Eve.

  1. God created Adam and Eve and their Garden 

  2. God told them not to eat the from the forbidden tree 

  3. The serpent tempts Eve to eat from the tree and Eve tempted Adam 

The couple’s penalty for disobedience is original sin, and they had to leave the garden 


What is the annunciation and why is it important?

1.  when Angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will be with child 

2. Shows Mary’s faith in God through acceptance of her role 


What 2 things happened in 1964?

1. Changed name to Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam 

2. Published rulebooks called Nội Quy 


What is the Mystery of the Eucharist and why is it a mystery? 

1. The real presence of Jesus’s body, blood, soul, and divinity is found in the bread and wine that we receive. 

2. While unknown to the physical touch, Jesus’ presence remains in the bread and wine that we receive. 


What are the components of a Eucharistic Day?

  1. Morning offering 

  2. Spiritual Communion (height of your day)

  3. Spiritual Bouquet

  4. Nighttime Offering


What is the importance of the Covenant of Noah?

His commitment to preserve life and His mercy towards humanity 


What is the importance of the birth of Jesus?

God allowed his only Son to be on Earth and to live a humbling life among us


When and where did TNTT officially begin?

1929 in France


Identify the PHYSICAL requirements for receiving Communion.

  1.  (1) fast for one hour (only drink plain water

  2. (2) keep hands and mouth clean

  3. (3) dress appropriately


Why does VEYM use Lua Thieng Thanh The as a teaching method?

  1. Natural method: to establish a unified spirit with everyone 

  2. Spiritual method: understand and share the Bible through performances 


What is the importance of the Covenant of Moses? 

  1. The Covenant of Moses, given at Mount Sinai, established the laws and commandments (including the Ten Commandments) between God and the Israelites. 

  2. It outlined their obligations to follow God's laws in return for His protection and blessings


What is the theme of the Wedding of Cana?

Jesus’s miracle and divine power, but also his obedience to his mother


What happened in 1975?

fall of Saigon led to TNTT moving overseas


Identify the MENTAL requirements for receiving Communion.

1. Mental: pay attention during the Liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucharist 

2. spiritual: 

  1. (1) have no mortal sins since last confession

  2. (2) believe in transubstantiation


Examples of the natural methods of teaching. Example of the spiritual methods of teaching.

1. natural: games, skits, singing

2. spiritual: praying, discussing about the bible


Explain the offering ceremony of Abel and Cain and of its importance. 

  1. Abel's offering in the Bible was a sacrifice of the firstborn of his flock, demonstrating his faith and devotion to God. 

  2. Unlike his brother Cain's offering of crops, Abel's was accepted by God, signifying the importance of giving the best to God with a sincere heart.


What is the theme of Five loaves and two fish?

Faith in God and allow for anything to happen


Explain from whom TNTT derived their motto. 

  1. Prayer - from Eucharistic crusade

  2. Communion - from Quam Singulari 

  3. Sacrifice - from Crusade of the Cross

  4. Apostolic Works - from Eucharistic crusade


Explain why the physical, mental, and spiritual requirements are necessary when receiving the Eucharist.

You will commit sacrilege (the violation of treatment of a sacred object)


3 main parts of Eucharstic Fire can be represented by the Holy Trinity

  1. (1) opening: introduces the creation by God the Father 

  2. (2) performances: God the Son is the ideal role model to learn from 

  3. (3) conclusion: pray to the Holy Spirit to come upon the participants and to remain with them always 


Give me a summary of Ceremony of Melchizedek.

  1. Melchizedek, king and priest, blessed Abram with bread and wine after his victory over Chedorlaomer. 

  2. Melchizedek acknowledged God's role in Abram's success, and Abram gave him a tenth of everything. 


What is the importance of the Last Supper?

  1. Shares body and blood through bread and wine 

  2. Signifies communion