What is the name of the Youth Program Director?
What year was Neighborhood House established?
where do your bookbags/backpacks and coats go when you arrive at NH?
In the bins
After asking to leave the room what do you grab before you walk out?
a hall pass
Who comes to read to us and gives us free books?
The Madison Reading Project
Who is the executive director of NH?
How many bathrooms does NH have?
When you need help, are upset, or are feeling overwhelmed what can you do?
- tell an afterschool staff
- talk to an afterschool staff
- ask to take a break somewhere (to chill, breath, run around, scream, etc) either alone or with another person/staff
- ask for help
What game involves teams, a river, and cardboard?
Across the River
What is the name of Taylors black dog?
Name all of the current afterschool staff
Ella, Saul, Caroline, Kale, Ulices
What pet does NH have in the main office?
How do we walk to the park?
Kids in the middle of staff. One staff in front and one staff in the back. No kids running ahead or lagging behind.
What animal noise can Angel make?
a monkey
What is the name of the person from LFHC that picks us up in the van?
Name at least 2 people that work in the office.
(that's not Angel or Laura)
Taylor, Sarah, Alisha,
building supervisors: Sydney, Angela, Erika, Ulices, Lauren, Hellen
other: Mary, Torrin
What time does afterschool end on Monday? And on Tuesday-Friday?
Monday = 5:00pm
T-F = 5:45pm
What are the 5 main afterschool expectations?
- Use Kind Language
- Keep hands to yourself
- Raise your hand
- Ask before you leave the room
- Listen to ALL Staff
what are the rules of the Talking Piece?
the talking piece is used to give everyone an equal opportunity to share their thoughts.
the person holding it is the only person talking.
those who are not holding it are listening to the person speaking.
+ the circle keeper may talk when not holding the talking piece to make sure everyone is being respectful and not talking over.
+ if the talking piece is passed to someone who does not want to talk they can pass it to someone else and/or say pass
Everyone in the group give a compliment to someone in the other group(s)
What are the names of the current afterschool volunteers
Mia, Samuel, Caleb, Julia.
Name all of the staff who have helped with afterschool so far this semester (but who do not normally).
Ben, Sydney, Alisha, Taylor (Laura)
If someone is not meeting the expectations, what is the consequence?
*List out the steps.
1. they get warned
2. on the 3rd time they have to sit out for 3-5 mins alone
3. they have to talk with a staff about what happened
4. they come up with a plan on how to behave in the group
5. If it continues to happen = call home
How old is Neighborhood House?
Name all of the kids currently enrolled in the afterschool program?
Oliver, Viola, Bridget, Sakai, Ayumu, Ty, Parker, Penny, Tommie (TJ), Jozelle, Janella, Terrianna, Aarón
(I'll count: Diesel, Cori, Amiyah, Cayden, Demitris)