1 syllable:
In the languages department, this one also called Nederlands
It's a fried squid appetizer, but ask for it by this Italian name
This singer who has his own record label, Gingerbread Man, put some of his "Bad Habits" on the Hot 100
Ed Sheeran
Fused together in adults, the Ilium, pubis & ischium form the hip bone & the 2 hip bones form this girdle
The Pelvis
A business, or people who come over to visit
4 syllables:
This course on the art & technique of building & design
According to creator Stephen Hillenburg, Squidward on this TV series isn't a squid at all but an octopus
Spongebob Squarepants
At 18, she seems a little young to be singing of "Deja Vu"
Olivia Rodrigo
On either side of the neck, you should be able to feel the pulse above this artery that supplies blood to the head
The Carotid
Time & width are examples of these measurements
3 syllables:
This type of small, in-depth class, with a name from Latin
Sightings of giant squid off Norway may have given rise to this Scandinavian sea monster illustrated here; release it now!
He spent $1 million a day to complete an album at Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz stadium; at least he got hits out of it like "Hurricane"
Kanye West
This area of the brain involved in speech was named for a French surgeon
Broca's area
Title partner of "Pomp" in a walking song at graduation
2 syllables:
This double-talk art history course on the style of Duchamp & Man Ray
In this classic Jules Verne novel, the Nautilus encounters "an immense school of squid"
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
She teamed with Cardi B to deal with "Rumors" about a wide range of subjects including groupies & smoothie cleanses
In the lungs, gas exchange takes place in the hundreds of millions of tiny air sacs called these
The Alveoli
This is happening when prices are high but the value of cash is lessened
5 syllables:
This study of substances, reactions & physiological processes inside living things
Found at depths of 1,000 feet, the firefly squid gets its name from its flashing lights produced by this 15-letter ability
Luke Bryan sang, "Kiss by kiss, one after another, don't let go, baby, let this summer just keep on coming in" this title
While the uvula is a soft flap at the back of the throat, this similar word is the pigmented middle layer of the eye
The Uvea
From Greek for "a general view", it's a brief summary of a book in a few paragraphs