Dress & Appearance

What is the name of the 3rd,4th,and 5th chapters of PMG?

3rd-Study and Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

4th- Seek and Rely on the Spirit 

5th- Use the Power of the Book of Mormon


For Sisters, on what occasions should dresses be worn? 

Wear dresses or skirts when attending the temple and during Sunday worship services, leadership and zone conferences, baptismal services, and missionary training center devotionals. However, you may wear dress slacks to the meeting location and change into a dress or skirt before the meeting begins.


In the "Greatest Mission in the World" we do what in the mornings? 



What is the NHM Baptism Goal?

Every area baptizes monthly!


Where do we learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and called to do His work? 

3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."


Recite the Baptism Invitation found on page 29 of PMG.

“Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone who has been ordained to perform this ordinance? We will help you prepare for baptism. We believe you can be ready on [date]. Will you prepare to be baptized on that date?”


Elders and Sisters, when it comes to facial hair or sideburns, what are we invited to do?

Elders should always be clean-shaven. Sideburns should reach no lower than the middle of the ear.

Shave Every Day!


What are 3 main conversation topics to avoid? 

Found in 7.3.1

  • Joke about terrorism or terrorist acts.

  • Suggest that people move to another country—even for work or schooling.

  • Offer or make promises about financial or visa support for people.

  • Political Statements


What are the four pillars of the September MIP?

1. Learning to Recognize the Spirit.

2. Planning with the Spirit.

3. Diligence and Obedience

4. Find your Why


Where does Jesus Christ institute the sacrament in the Bible and the Book of Mormon?

3 Nephi 18 and Matthew 26


What page is this quote found in PMG? And who said it?

“There was much more to my reading than just marking scriptures. With each reading of the Book of Mormon, front to back, I was filled with a profound love for the Lord. I felt a deeply rooted witness of the truth of His teachings and how they apply to ‘this day.’ This book fits its title, ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ.’ With that study and the spiritual witness that was received, I became a Book of Mormon missionary and a disciple of Jesus Christ”

Pg. 122 from Elder Rasband


For Sisters, what are the guidelines for P-Day/ casual wear clothing?

Avoid clothing that is too tight or distracting or that has holes, words, pictures, or logos not consistent with your calling as a missionary.


DAILY DOUBLE!!!! You are one cool missionary!

What do the standards teach us about bargaining with the Lord? And where? 

Do not try to make deals with the Lord and expect specific blessings by adjusting what is required of you. 

 For example, don’t try to bargain with the Lord by getting up earlier, going without food or drink (beyond the monthly fast), or skipping a preparation day.


What is the Mission Vision?

"To deepen our own conversion so we can help establish Jesus Christ's church by baptizing and confirming people with testimonies and helping them prepare for the temple." PMG Pg. 11


What chapters in 1 Nephi teach us the coming forth of the Book of Mormon in the Latter Days?

Chapters 13 and 15.


Fill in the blanks from this sentence from PMG.

Some missionaries feel confident in _____. Others lack such confidence. Humbly put your confidence and faith in ______, not in yourself. Rely on the Spirit rather than your own _____ and ______. The ______ will magnify your efforts far beyond what you can do on your own.

1. Themselves

2. Jesus Christ

3. Talents 

4. Abilities 

5. Holy Ghost


Fill in the Blanks:

“When your greatest desire is to let ___ _____, to be part of Israel, so many decisions become _____. So many issues become ________! You know how best to groom yourself. … You know the kind of _____ you really want to become.”

1. God Prevail

2. Easier

3. nonissues

4. Person


In the standards which is not a part of your Daily Planning Schedule? 

  • Set and review personal, companion, and mission goals.

  • Plan your schedule for the day.

  • Create daily contact times to utilize technology.

  • Find people to teach.

  • Work with local leaders and members.

In 2.4.1 and 2.42

False: Create daily contact times to utilize technology.

*Your daily activities should focus on interacting with people. Spread your planning and study activities throughout the day to avoid spending long periods of time in your apartment. If distance and time permit, you may leave and return to your apartment throughout the day to meet these needs.


What was Week 2 of the August Mission Improvement Plan?

How can I help other face the Savior through the Book of Mormon?


What Section in the Doctrine and Covenants teaches us about the spirit world and the people being taught in spirit prison? 

D&C 138:57-60


Where is this quote found in PMG? 

"Read the scriptures with new members, especially the Book of Mormon, and teach gospel principles. Help them share the gospel with their friends and family. Each new member has specific needs, and you can help him or her feel loved and welcomed."

Page 224


Elder Bate has a really cool tie pin and sweet tie bar he likes to wear with Michael Jordan on it! What should he know from the standards before applying his bling? 

Ties and tie pins or bars should be conservative in size. They should not contain pictures or characters or show any political or country affiliation. Lapel pins should not be worn.


When backing up in a car what steps do the missionaries take to insure no accidents will occur? 

1. Driver roles down driver side window.

2. Driver waits to see hand motions given from companion to back out. 

3. Driver then makes sure nobody or no thing is in their path of backing up. 

4. Backer signals to back until properly placed to move forward. 

5. Driver then allows backer in vehicle and drives safely to baptize many souls. 


What are all seven invitations in the September Mission Improvement Plan?

1. Pick a new Christ-Like attribute to work on.

2. Make every Prayer more meaningful, by applying "Pray with Faith in Jesus Christ" PMG 105

3.Each Companionship set up a time to plan with their DL.

4. Strive for 100% Fellowship

5.Committ yourself to use the phone basket and safeguards.

6. Talk to Everyone.

7. Journal Every Night!


What passage of scripture does President Vance quote when he asks someone to give the "oblations to the Most High?"

D&C 59:12,15