Mad Mines: NHV Road
Stand by NHV
War for the Planet of the A's
Hardcore Hen-HV
The wRItiNG

This idea from Kant holds that we should only create moral guidelines that can be held by all people at all times.

What is universability?


This is James Rachels' term for what he believes is the minimum of what everyone should agree on when it comes to morality.

What is the "minimum conception of morality"?


This explains why people are less likely to act to help others when they are in a crowd.

What is the diffusion of responsibility?


He is known as the father of the hydrogen bomb.

Who is Oppenheimer?


Which formatting system has a "Reference" page that is listed according to the order sources appear in the text?

What is IEEE?


One theory to solve dwindling wildlife is to create pockets or _____ of wildlife preservation, though this has serious downsides.

What are islands?


According to this concept, the impact of technology is complex, with both good and bad uses.

What is dual use?


If you believed that nature should be maintained because it is useful to humans, people would call you this?

What is a conservationist?


This ethical theory is most likely embraced by those who STAY in Omelas.

What is utilitarianism?


After introducing an author for the first time, this is how you refer to the author for the rest of the essay.

What is by last name?


Katz addresses this theory from Lifton about Nazi doctors, but dismisses it later in his essay.

What is doubling (or separation between creating and using)?


This moral theory emphasizes living by rules and principles, rather than focusing on the consequences of one's actions.

What is deontology?


This philosophical viewpoint holds that morality is simply a function of culture, and that there are no universal moral truths.

What is moral relativism?


This mythical place overran with food and pleasures, while in the real world people scrambled for everyday survival.

What is the land of Cockaigne?


The following sentence has this kind of error: The professor handed back our homework, the grades were higher than I expected.

What is a comma splice?


This is the main point of Leopold's argument.

What is that economic value alone should not determine the worth of the land/environment?


This is the name of the episode we watched connected to digital technology.

What is Nosedive?


According to Alpern, engineers must exhibit moral _____ due to the higher standard of care to which they should be judged.

What is moral courage?


This philosopher is connected to the idea of virtue ethics.

Who is Aristotle?


According to Annie Lamott, this is the second phrase of drafting.

What is an up draft?


These are the main components of Sandler's value sensitive design. (there are 3)

What is choosing a project, defining success, and means and by products?


This is pursuing technology for its own sake without worrying about its applications.

What is pure science?


This is the image Leopold uses to explain the interconnectedness of nature.

What is the land pyramid (or biotic pyramid)?


This idea from Rawls indicates that "no one knows his place in society, his class position or social status, nor does anyone know his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities, intelligence, and strength..."

What is the veil of ignorance?


This is the error in the following sentence: The engineer faced a difficult problem she solved it with the help of her coworkers.

What is a run-on?