Controversial Historical Figures
Before America was America
American Culture

Originally a stage actor, this man lives in infamy for murdering Abraham Lincoln

Who is John Wilkes Booth?


This President was the only one to serve twice as Vice President and then serve a term as President, his term was cut short by his resignation 

Who is Richard Nixon?


Christopher Colombus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, he was setting sail for India but got lost along the way and landed here

What is Central/South America or the Carribean?


This state was the last state to be admitted to the Union

What is Hawaii?


These two holidays are unique to American Culture and are only celebrated here

What is Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July?


This guy was the original double agent, turning to the British side in the American Revolutionary War. His name lives in infamy

Who is Benedict Arnold?


Mark Twain wrote the autobiography of this President. He was also known for leading the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War in 1865 

Who is Ulysses S Grant?


Settling here in 1607, the English settlers had named this first colony after their king at the time

What is Jamestown?


Passed in 1919, this Amendment banned the sale of alcoholic beverages in the US  

What is the 18th amendment? 


When visiting other countries, its often seen as odd to add this to your bill 

What is a tip?


On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated by this man, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?


This famous conservationist President saved football from being banned in the United States. He is also known as the youngest person to become US president. As a leader of the progressive movement, he championed his "Square Deal" domestic policies, which called for fairness for all citizens, breaking bad trusts, regulating railroads, and pure food and drugs.  

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


I saw Goody Proctor with the Devil! This infamous trial caused twenty people to be executed 

What is the Salem Witch Trials?


After being the first man to set foot on the moon, he famously said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

Who is Neil Armstrong?


This genre of music originated by African American communities in the United States and known for its improvisational nature and expressive tones 

What is Jazz?


This infamous lady is why we wash our hands before we prepare food. She was believed to infected people 51 to 122 people and she died while being quarantined 

Who is Typhoid Mary?


In modern American History, this president was the first to be sworn in by his nickname. He is known for his conservation policies and is the longest living former president at 100 years old. 

Who is Jimmy Carter?


Only 11 at the time, this explorer claimed that Pocahontas saved his life from execution by her father. However, historians question whether Smith's story is accurate, and some believe he may have misinterpreted a ritual ceremony or a Scottish ballad 

Who is John Smith?


This place was designated the testing site for the Atomic Bomb during WWII 

What is The Trinity Site in New Mexico?


This food is an essential part of American breakfast culture. They reflect a broader wave of Jewish immigration in the late 19th century.  

What are Bagels?


This former president lives in infamy for his attitudes towards Native Americans, causing the American Trail of Tears (Miss Tyler hates this guy)

Who is Andrew Jackson?


This president has allegedly a long-proclaimed love of pickles, based on a quote he never said. He also happens to be one of our founding fathers

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This law was a British produced boundary marked in the Appalachian Mountains at the Eastern Continental Divide. It prohibited Anglo-American colonists from settling on lands acquired from the French following the French and Indian War. 

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


These four presidents were assassinated during their terms, name all four of them 

Who is Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. 


Based on British Operas and Operettas, this form of entertainment was born

What is musicals?