what sports does chess boxing combine
what are chess and boxing
what sports does underwater Hockey combine
water polo and hockey
what is Steph's favorite color?
What is Blue.
what is a niche sport
A sport that unknown and/or uncommon
how many people complete in a chess boxing match
what is the goal of the game
hit the puck into the opponents goal
what was the year chess boxing was invented
What is 2003
the first idea of chess boxing was discovered at what date
Name a famous chess boxer
Sean 'The Machine' Mooney
Ravil Galiakhmetov
Zabih Davary-Diaz
How much is each half in underwater hockey
15 min
who invented underwater hockey
the British navy
what is the average pay of a underwater hockey pro
$26k a year
how much time are the breaks betwixt rounds
what is 1 minute
what is an alternative name for underwater hockey
where was the first chess boxing
how much does the underwater hockey puck weigh
What is 3.3 lb
name 5 countries that compete in chess boxing
France, Germany, India, Russia, and the United Kingdom
name 5 countries that compete in underwater hockey
New Zealand, Great Britain, France, Turkey, Australia, South Africa and Colombia.
who had the first idea of underwater hockey
(Hint, it is a person)
who is Alan Blake
which animal is on each of our names on the first slide
Alan-dog, Marco-frog, Eyal-lemur, Zev-octopuss