Nicholas II's conservative and anti-semetic tutor
Name the indsutrial policy that Witte pursued
State-promoted industrial growth
Whom did Stolypin take over from as Prime minster in 1906?
Define what is meant by 'Artels'
Informal organisations of workers, which began to rent communal apartment buildings
Explain how the Marxist Movement transformed from 1883 - 1905
Emancipation of Labour (1883) -> Social Democratic Workers Party (1903) -> Mensheviks and Bolsheviks (1903)
Name two revolutionary groups and explain their ideologies
Social Revolutionaries - Born from Populism and wanted agrarian socialism; ideological hiers of Narodniks
Social Democratic Workers Party - Marxist ideology, wished to achieve socialism via proletarianisation
What 2 fossil fuels were found in the Donbas and Baku Regions?
Coal and Oil
What were the two farms introduced by Stolypin and explain the differences
Khutor - Individual from the Mir and could mange their own affairs
Obtrub - still connected to the Mir but semi independent
The literacy rate by 1914 had reached what percentage?
What was the phrase given to Stolypin for his mass hangings of peasants causing disturbances?
Discuss 3 examples of causes of the Russian Revolution in 1905
Russo-Japanese War
Econimic strain of Peasants and Workers
Bloody Sunday
Political opposition build up
Define the following
'Gold Standard'
'Protectionism' - placing higher tariffs on imported goods to protect domestic goods
'Gold Standard' - placed the rouble on this in 1897 to stabalise the currency
'Polytechnics' - training centres for scientists/engineers
Grain production expanded by _%
_% of peasants were still strip farming
_% of consolidated farms were independent from the Mir
In what three ways were living and working conditions in towns changing?
A) Poor Living Conditions
B) Low Wages
C) Overcrowded accomidation
D) Government Legislation
Provide three examples of the SR's official Tsarist Killings
Dmitry Sipyagin - 1902
Von Plehve in 1904
The Tsar’s Uncle in 1905
Stolypin in 1911
What is the only Duma the SR's won seats in?
1) Annual industrial growth grew by _%?
2) Russia became the _th largest indsutrial power by 1914
3) Number of factories increased by _/_rd
4) _% of state budget came from the State Vodka Monoply
1) 8%
2) 5th
3) 1/3rd
4) 30%
Write 4 policies of Stolypin
Mir’s responsibility of collecting taxes was abolished
More state and crown land available to buy
Peasants allowed to consolidate scattered strips into one farm
A new Peasants’ Land Bank established
Redemption payments officially abolished
Lena Goldfieds in 1912
Define the following
“Years of the Red Cockerel”
"Union of Liberation"
"Emancipation of Labour"
"Agraian Socialism"
“Years of the Red Cockerel” - 1903-1904 years of discontent in the countryside
"Union of Liberation" - Liberal group established in 1903 which held banquets to allow discussions to be had.
"Emancipation of Labour" - Marxist group established in 1883 by Plekhov. Circulated translations of Marx.
"Agrarian Socialism" - Populist ideology that Social ownership of agriculture and land to come under peasant control
What was the name of the factory that striked in 1901, evidencing urban workers becoming more radical?
Obukhov factory
What specific group was Witte responsible for repressing during the 1905 revolution?
St Petersburg Soviet
Issued article 87 which downgraded the peasants votes so they would be less represented
Kulaks and Nobility were seen to be undergoing D___________?
Now find a word that starts with each of these letters related to Russa up to this point (‘I’ CAN BE AN EXCEPTION’)
In 1895, A clandestine group of liberal intelligentsia, calling for an all-zemstvo orgnaisation led by Prince Lvov
Beseda symposium