This is the amount of people currently in the gc
What is 10
This person is the GM of FunMax
Who is Beth
This character died in the finale of Regular Show
Who is Pops
This is the third planet away from the sun
What is Earth
This is the Current president of the USA
Who is Donald Trump
This person beat Jayden BAD in a boxing match
Who is Ryan Forde
This Body part is known as the largest Human organ
What is Skin
This is the big scary guy with horns in Adventure Time
The lich
This is the chemical symbol for Iron
What is Fe
This is the year that the Berlin Wall fell
what is 1989
How many platforms do the Mighty Minorities have a GC on
What is 4
This animal appeared in commercials for Tootsie Pops
What is an owl
These five heroes form the teen titans
Who are Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg and Starfire
A material that changes from a solid to a gas goes through this process
What is Sublimation
This person led The french revolution and is Jaydens height
this person caused two vomit incidents on separate occasions
Who is Jonah
This location sports grand casinos and is also the capital of Utah
This character often uses heralds to consume planets
Who is galactus
This noble gas is most commonly used in light Bulbs
The great wall of china was built to defend against these people
Who are the Mongols
Josh was called this during the ebola pandemic
What is Ugandan Knuckles
This is the most commonly spoken language in the world
What is Mandarin Chinese
Courage the Cowardly Dog lives with these two people
Who are Muriel and Eustace
These 8 phases make up the 8 phases of the moon
What are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent
This state was the first state to Legalize Gay marriage
What is Massachusetts