Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
This city is demographically mostly
African American
What is sold here?
Magazines, candy and cigarettes mostly
What does Marconi do to the kids who steal?
Ignores them, sees them as an investment
What has happened to Elwood on multiple ocassions?
He has been taken advantage of or put down
What kind of boy is Elwood?
Hardworking and honest
Who owns the tobacco store?
What incident happens here?
Larry and Willie try to steal and are confronted by Elwood
What are Marconi's values?
He values relationships with his customers, attentive and well polished employees
Elwood and his grandmother are concerned with
Civil rights
Who are Elwood's close friends (if any)?
He mostly distances himself from the local kids
Which of Elwood's old friends live in Frenchtown?
Larry and Willie
Elwood attends many
Civil rights protests
What did Elwood excel at in his previous "job"?
Frenchtown is essentially homogenous because of
Where does Elwood work now?
The tobacco store owned by Marconi