Not Bovineology
We Knew
Insane in the Membrane

__________ is used to see internal images by recording echoes and high-frequency sound waves.

What is Ultrasound?


Surgical instrument is used to dissect tissues.

What is Scalpel blade?


The acronym NAVTA stands for___________,_________, of ___________,________in __________.

What is National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America?


The brain is located in the __________ cavity.

What is Cranial cavity?


Surgical instrument is used to hold back tissue.

What is Retractor?


Describe "imprinting behaviors" with a puppy.

What is a pattern of behaviors that bond animals to their caretakers.


A veterinarian is checking a patient’s posture, pain response, LOC, PLR, and menace reflexes, the body system that they are concerned with?

A) Banging Sound System

B) The Endocrine System

C) Out of System 

D) Nervous system

What is Nervous System?


BCS stands for when dealing with animal weights.

What is Body Condition Score?


The brainstem holds ___________,___________ and the____________.

What is the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and thalamus?


72. Define the following:

A. Starter Pig – a swine 

B.  a swine 40 to 100 pounds

C. Finisher Pig – a swine

What is...

A) 10- 40lbs

B) Grower

C) a swine over 100 pounds


__________is a position best for a radiograph of the maxillary premolars of a dog.

What is Ventral?


In the movie Water Boy, alligators are said to be aggressive because of an enlarged _________.  

It is also iwhere anger, jealousy, and aggression come from.

What is medulla oblongata?


Put the following terms in the correct order for digestive pathway function:

Deglutition, mastication, agitation, prehension, defecation, peristalsis, assimilation, segmentation

What is Prehension, mastication, deglutition, peristalsis, segmentation, assimilation, defecation?

Bonus:  Agitation happens when you can't digest!


The master gland of the body is  ______________ _______________.

What is the Pituitary Gland?


Surgical instrument is used most commonly to grasp and ligate blood vessels is _________.

What are Hemostats?


If the maxillary arcade is longer than the mandibular arcade, this is known as ____________.

A) A short life span

B) A Big Mouth

C) An Underbite

D) An Overbite

What is Overbite?


Laws governing the veterinary profession are created and enforced by ____________________.

A) City of New Orleans

B) Sarpy County

C) Midwest Veterinarians

D) Each state

What is Each State?


SA Node is and does the following________.

What is considered to be the pacemaker of the heart.


The area of the brain that consists of the pons, medulla oblongata, midbrain, and inter brain?

What is the Brainstem?


Type of product is used to clean an exam room? It needs to be a fungicide, bactericide, virucide, and sporocide.

A) Mr. Clean

B) Amonia

C) Bleach

D) Disinfectant

What is Disinfectant?


The cessation of functional ventilation and effective circulation is __________.

What is cardiopulmonary arrest?


Free choice, portion control, timed control

What is cats are commonly fed by one of what three methods.


The terms nulligravida, nullipara, viviparous, and oviparous all relate to ________________.

A. Mating, mating and mating

B. Reproductive Organs

C. Birthin Equipment

D. Gestational and parturitional status

What is Gestational and parturitional status?


Three membranes forming the meninges are . Put these terms in order beginning with the outermost layer.

Bonus: Put in order beginning with the outermost layer.

What is pia mater, dura mater, and arachnoid?

What is Dura mater, Arachnoid, Pia mater


Describe what takes place with an Endotracheal tube.

What is a vital piece of equipment used to ensure a patent airway and aid in ventilation of the anesthetized patient?