General Facts
Money & Marketing
Health Effects

A stimulant found in tobacco that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

What is Nicotine?


This is added to mask the harshness of the smoke and make products seemingly less harmful. 

What is flavoring?


Conditions that even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of. 

What is cardiovascular (heart) disease?


Since 2002, there have been more of these than current smokers. 

What are former smokers?


These can include rapid heartrate, increase blood pressure, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, nausea, dizziness and headaches. 

What are side effects of nicotine use?


After about ten years this habit costs around $38,000 per person.

What is the cost of smoking one pack per day?


Something commonly perceived to be relieved with smoking but is actually worsened because the stimulant increases heart rate, pulse and blood pressure. 

What is stress?


A useful tool so you know what to expect and feel confident in tobacco cessation. 

What is a quit plan?


 For individuals in substance abuse recovery, continued nicotine use can increase the likelihood of this happening. 

What is relapse?


Less effective versions of these were kept as a marketing tool to make cigarettes seemingly less harmful. Effective versions aren't used because of complaints that they impact the "taste."

What are filters?


Research has found an association with reduced depression, reduced stress and anxiety and improved mood.

How does smoking cessation impact mental health?


Nearly 80% of people in this type of treatment have expressed interest in tobacco cessation.

What is substance use disorder treatment?


This neurotransmitter is increased during nicotine use and sensitivity can change with repeated use. 

What is dopamine?


Money spent for advertising and promotional materials for cigarettes in 2019. 

What expense was over $7.62 billion?


Symptoms of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath even though the individual is not the one directly smoking. 

What are second-hand smoke induced asthma attacks?


Evidence suggests the beneficial effect of stopping smoking on mental health related symptoms can be just as effective as taking these.  

What are antidepressants?


These are two drugs that are just as addictive as nicotine, which make it hard to quit.

What is heroin and cocaine?


In the US, more than $240 billion was spent in this field because of cigarette smoking in 2018. 

What is the financial burden on healthcare due to smoking?


Two things that are also released into the body when tobacco is burned.

What is tar and carbon monoxide?


Your risk of lung cancer drops by half after this amount of time. 

What happens after 10 years of quitting smoking?