This is the age cut off for your patient with a central line to receive a chlorohexadine bath wipe?
What 44 weeks gestation and above?
This is required for every full central line change/cap change and is placed under the line connection.
What is a sterile drape?
This is a safety tool you use when you are unsure about the next step to take or have concerns about proceeding.
What is Stop & Resolve?
This is the maximum dose of oral sucrose.
What is
GA 27 to 31 weeks: 0.5 mL/procedure
GA 32 to 36 weeks: 1 mL/procedure
GA ≥37 weeks: 2 mL/procedure
This sign should be hanging on the infant bed and is flipped over at least 2 weeks prior to discharge.
What is the Safe sleep sign?
How many code sheets are required at the bedside?
What is 2?
I must do this after touching the COW and immediately prior to hanging a intermittent medication.
What is hand hygiene and don clean gloves?
This is a safety tool that can include the use of phonetic and numeric clarifications to ensure the information you've received was heard correctly?
What are Read Backs and Repeat Backs?
This should be checked at the beginning of your shift on all your continuous drips.
What is expiration date and time? (pharmacy does not use daily stickers anymore)
This is the standard for when you should chart the dose of your gtt/continuous infusions
What is the beginning of your shift?
This should be checked in the chart prior to giving a blood transfusion
What is a completed blood consent?
This is the appropriate attire for all staff working in the NICU related to sleeves
What is bare below the elbows?
The labeled specimen tube must be visually compared to the patient ID band prior to sending the lab and this is the last step prior to sending labs in the tube station
What is get a 2 person verification?
When your patient is on NICU Comfort Protocol, this is how often you can give a prn medication
What is the every 15 min for the first 2 hours and then every 2 hours after that?
This is how often you need to chart in iView contamination prevention if you have a central line
What is once a shift?
This is how long the scrub is at the beginning of your shift
What is 30 seconds?
This is where I can find information on how much flush to use after a CVL blood draw
What is the Blood draw job aid?
This tool is an internal self check that can prevent errors when we preform routine, everyday tasks we often do on "auto pilot".
What is STAR? (Stop, Think, Act, Review)
If you are administering a hazardous medication, this is an important addition to your tubing
What is the texium set-up?
This should be hanging at the bedside for all patients with an EVD and is part of safety checks
What is emergency supply kit at the bedside?
What patients are able to have a biopatch in place on a central line?
What is 44 weeks gestation or above?
This scrubbing is required for a cap/full line change.
What is scrubbing for 15 sec at the connection and 2 inches up the line AND after cap is removed 15 sec on the open port with a clean alcohol wipe?
This is an important step when doing safety checks regarding suction
What is checking the settings on your suction equipment?
If you turn back on a continuous infusion, these two steps are mandatory
What is a 2 RN check and tracing of lines?
This is what the RN needs to do with patient medications when patient is discharged
What is send them back to pharmacy?