People and Things
Odds & Ends
Medication Safety
Acronyms & Abbreviations
Patient-Focused Items
The person in my Department to whom I can take patient safety concerns or suggestions.
Who is my Department's Patient Safety Coach?
Performing this action is the number one evidence-based method to prevent infection.
What is Hand Hygiene?
(P)otassium (I)nsulin (N)arcotics (C)hemotherapy (H)eparin (E)lectrolytes (D)igoxin
What are 'PINCHED' medications?
Technique used to communicate a (S)ituation, (B)ackground, (A)ssessment and (R)ecommendation.
What is SBAR?
Communication of key patient information from one caregiver, staff member or team to another.
What is a Standardized Handoff?
Electronically filed to report an unusual patient or employee safety event.
What is a Safety Event Report?
The safest place for pedestrians to cross streets.
What are crosswalks?
An interdisciplinary process comparing a complete list of medications that the patient has been taking prior to admission, with the medications that will be provided during hospitalization; performed at pre-admission, admission and/or at time of transfer or discharge.
Team members use this Error Prevention technique to check and coach another team member or members by asking questions, requesting changes, and voicing concerns.
What is 'ARCC'?
Techniques all staff and family members can use to prevent errors from happening.
What is Error Prevention?
Akron Children's Hospital's Patient Safety Officer.
Who is Dr. Michael Bird?
Supports existing safety and quality initiatives by making it safe for employees to report errors without fear of punishment.
What is Just Culture?
Verification of accuracy of medication prepared before administering to a patient, by a second individual.
What is the Independent Double-Check?
An organization succeeding in avoiding serious safety events and catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents and errors can be expected due to risk factors and complexity.
What is a HRO?
These two patient identifiers are used prior to administering medications, performing treatments, obtaining and labeling any specimens at bedside, and prior to administering any blood products.
What is the patient's NAME and DATE OF BIRTH (DOB)?
The Director of Quality Services & Patient Safety at Akron Children's Hospital.
Who is Jodi Simon?
Technique used to introduce people to patients, families and teams.
What is the 'Name Game'?
The process of obtaining a verbal telephone order from a physician involves these three steps.
What is: 1. write down the order 2. read-back the order 3. verify the order as written with the prescribing individual.
Technique used to question an answer by qualifying the source of information, validating the contentnad verifying their action.
WHat is 'QVV'?
Recreates reality to educate and train healthcare providers in competencies and communications.
What is Simulation?
A group of eight Ohio hospitals, including Akron Children's Hospital, who are working together to reduce Serious Safety Events and other events of harm to patients.
What is the Ohio Children's Hospital Solutions for Patient Safety (OCHSPS) Collaborative?
The phone number Akron Children's Hospital staff can call to report any safety concern or issue.
What is the KID-SAFE Hotline?
Drugs, which by the nature of their name, are involved in a high percentage of medication errors or other adverse outcomes. Examples include Novolog and Novolin-R, Oxycodone and Oxycontin, Hydromorphone and Morphine, Heparin and Hespan.
What are Look Alike - Sound Alike medications?
FMEA is a systematic, proactive method for evaluating a process to identify the parts of the process that are most in need of change. The acronym FMEA represents . . .
What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)?
You are a nurse and approached by a family member of one of your patients. She indicates that her child (patient) appears to be "not right." After assessing the patient you determine you need help. You or the oarent/caregiver call this team for assistance.
What is the Medical Response Team?