What is the BODY (the main part) of the mbira made from?
Hollow wood
What is the BODY (the main part) of the shekere made from?
A hollow gourd
Ms. Byrnes is a sigma clarinet player. Is the clarinet a rhythmic or melodic instrument?
What musical element MUST be present in a cappella?
Based on this unit, what can you tell us about the gender of African singers?
What are the names of each of the rhythms below?
#1 = 8th Note
#2 = Quarter Note
#3 = Quarter Rest
What is the difference in sound between the longer scraps of metal and the shorter scraps of metal on the mbira?
Longer = Lower
Shorter = Higher
1. What is the WEBBING of the shekere made from?
2. What is threaded onto the webbing? This is the material that actually produces the sound on the instrument when played.
1. String
2. Shells / Beads
Fill in the blanks:
Rhythmic instruments can only play __________, while melodic instruments can play _________ AND __________.
Rhythmic instruments can only play RHYTHMS, while melodic instruments can play RHYTHMS and MELODIES.
Identify an instrument that would be OK to play in the background of an a cappella song.
Answers vary but could include instruments like the tubano, gankogui, shekere, triangle, body percussion, etc.
What is call and response?
A musical conversation between a leader and a group.
For each rhythm below identify the number of beats the rhythm lasts for AND how many sounds it makes.
#1 = 1 beat, 2 sounds
#2 = 1 beat, 1 sound
#3 = 1 beat, 0 sounds
How do you play the mbira?
Pluck the scraps of metal with your thumbs/fingers
Identify 3 examples of rhythmic instruments.
Answers vary but could include instruments like the tubano, snare drum, triangle, cymbals, claves, wood block, etc.
Identify an instrument that would NOT BE OK to play in the background of an a cappella song.
Answers vary but could include instruments like the mbira, xylophone, bass guitar, recorder, etc.
What is a cappella?
Singing with no instruments in the background OR singing with rhythmic instruments in the background.
What do the top AND bottom numbers of a time signature tell musicians?
Top = How many beats will be in each measure
Bottom = Which rhythm keeps the steady beat
Categorize the mbira using the choices below:
1. Instrument Family -- Brass, Percussion, String, Woodwind
2. "Phone" -- Aerophone, Chordophone, Electrophone, Idiophone, Membranophone
3. African Percussion Instruments -- Bell, Drum, Rattle
4. Rhythmic vs. Melodic
1. Percussion
2. Idiophone
3. Bell
4. Melodic
Categorize the shekere using the choices below:
1. Instrument Family -- Brass, Percussion, String, Woodwind
2. "Phone" -- Aerophone, Chordophone, Electrophone, Idiophone, Membranophone
3. African Percussion Instruments -- Bell, Drum, Rattle
4. Rhythmic vs. Melodic
1. Percussion
2. Idiophone
3. Rattle
4. Rhythmic
Identify 4 examples of melodic instruments.
Answers vary, but could include instruments like the clarinet, trombone, violin, acoustic guitar, xylophone, piano, etc.
Body Percussion is considered a rhythmic instrument because sounds like claps/taps/pats/snaps/etc. are rhythms, not melodies.
If you are hearing call and response, what two other musical elements are you hearing?
Solo (Call) + Chorus (Response)
What do each of the symbols below tell musicians?
#1 = A measure is over and a new measure is starting
#2 = Stop; a song is over
#3 = Go back and play a section of music again
What are the nicknames of the instruments below?
#1 = Master/Lead Drum
#2 = Double Bell
#3 = Talking Drum
#4 = Thumb Piano
Using at least one of our Vocabulary words from this unit, explain why it is impossible to play the rhythm below on the shekere.
The shekere is a RHYTHMIC instrument, which means that it can only play rhythms. This rhythm has two pitches (high and low), which the shekere is not capable of playing; it can only play 1 sound.
Explain why even though the ODONO can make many sounds why it is considered a RHYTHMIC instrument.
Answer: Yes, the odono can make many sounds. But. It is not capable of consistently playing pitches. It can really only play rhythms, but NOT melodies. This means it is rhythmic.
What is harmony?
When multiple people sing at the same time and sing different pitches.
Identify 3 musical elements you are likely to hear in an African song with singing in it.
Answers vary but could include: male singers, call & response, a cappella, harmony, solo + chorus
It's time for a SPELLING BEE! Choose your team's best speller and then Buzzonk In!
100 Points -- Rhythm
100 Points -- A Cappella
100 Points -- Harmony
100 Points -- Chorus
100 Points -- Shekere